This is an opportunity for those who are already certified at the 500-hour level and enrolled in the Joy of Yoga 1000-hour Leadership Program to make a greater impact by creating compelling and impactful workshops, immersions, programs, and retreat curriculum in yoga and the mind/body arts.
Over the course of the 1000-hour Mentorship you’ll create an individualized path with Jennifer, meet regularly with Jennifer and your peers, and create an educational experience that showcases your leadership and expertise.
Once per month over 9 months, mentorship participants will meet with Jennifer as a group on zoom for guidance and support. You’ll also have a small cohort that you’ll meet with every two weeks. You will be working with colleagues, each on their own individual path towards honing and refining the areas of professional growth outlined in their plan.
You will support and inspire each other, receive consistent feedback from Jennifer, and build an educational experience, whether live, online or both. Towards the end of the nine month program you will teach a group of your choice that could deeply benefit from what you have to offer and who might not otherwise have the opportunity.
The group is limited to a maximum of 16 people to ensure that all participants receive individualized support.
This course is required as part of the Joy of Yoga 1000-Hour Leadership Program, with eligibility for 45 CEUs (Continuing Education Units). To find out more about the 1000 leadership program, visit here.
To enroll, please email
We’re sorry, but we don’t offer refunds or account credit on workshops or trainings.
This workshop will be conducted online via Zoom.
Password and instructions will be sent privately to registrants 30 minutes before workshop begins.
To enroll, please email
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