Infinity Breathwork & Sound Healing


Come nourish your nervous system and unwind with breathing meditation and the ethereal frequencies of planetary gongs and 432 Hz crystal singing bowls.

The first hour of our journey, we will warm up and prepare our bodies to sit and go deep into meditation. We will then experience the subtle and sophisticated ancient breath practices that induce theta brainwaves, oxygenate the bloodstream, regulate blood pressure, and balance our hemispheres.

With conscious breathing, we open our nadis, or energy channels, which carry life force to our organs, chakras, and brain. A gentle stimulation of the Kundalini energy at the base of the spine often awakens within us during these pranayama practices. Participants may experience feelings of euphoria, heightened awareness and intuition, emotional liberation, and an overall reset of the body-mind-spirit connection.

These ancient, revered practices can be practiced by all levels of experience.

The last half hour of our journey, we will move into restorative postures and a deeply relaxing, long savasana to receive the healing these cosmically-tuned instruments have to offer you and your body.

Wear comfortable clothing that you can sit cross-legged in for meditation. Chairs can be provided for meditation, as well. All bodies are welcome.


  • General: $65
  • Members: $55
  • Early-bird through July 31st: $55

We’re sorry, but we don’t offer refunds or account credit on workshops or trainings.


This workshop will be conducted in-studio.