The Four Satipatthanas: A Practice Group


Prominent in the discourses of the Buddha is the Satipatthana Sutta, oftentimes referred to as the “foundations of mindfulness”. The teaching addresses four domains in which mindfulness should be applied: body, feelings, mind, and dharmas. Wisely practicing mindfulness in these areas is, as the Buddha tells us, the direct path to awakening.

Drawing upon the Satipatthana Sutta and the teachings of Bhikkhu Analayo, this practice and study group offers a framework within which to develop mindfulness and apply it in skillful ways. The in-person group, facilitated by Noell Clark and Matthew Hahn, will meet each Thursday at 7:15pm for the duration of the 9-week program (with the exception of Thanksgiving). Each week of the program offers new ways of practicing mindfulness, always building upon the practices of the week before. Study materials, videos, and guided meditations will be made available in online modules prior to each Thursday group, allowing participants to practice with the current mindfulness topic before the in-person meeting.

Program Curriculum and Dates

  • Week 1: Basic Mindfulness (10/3)
  • Week 2: Mindfulness of Anatomy (10/10)
  • Week 3: Mindfulness of Elements (10/17)
  • Week 4: Mindfulness of Death (10/24)
  • Week 5: Mindfulness of Feeling Tones (10/31)
  • Week 6: Mindfulness of Mind (11/7)
  • Week 7: Mindfulness of Hindrances (11/14)
  • Week 8: Mindfulness of Awakening Factors (11/21)
  • Week 9: Conclusion and Integration (12/5)


  • familiarity with seated meditation practice
  • commitment to attend all in-person groups
  • commitment to meet program participation expectations

Program Participation Expectations

  • daily, formal Satipatthana meditation practice (20-30 minutes daily)
  • attendance at weekly, in-person group meeting (90 minutes weekly)
  • one chapter of reading per week (1 hour weekly)
  • contribution to weekly discussion forum online (30-45 minutes weekly)
  • watching / listening to weekly video presentation (20-30 minutes weekly)


In accordance with Buddhist tradition, this program is offered in the spirit of generosity and has no registration fees. Teachers and the studio receive no money aside from what is freely given by students at the end of the course. Participants are encouraged to donate according to their hearts’ inclination and financial capacities. Similar offerings are typically $400.

A link to donate will be made available at the conclusion of the course.


To apply for this course, please complete the application located here:

The application window closes on Saturday, August 24.

Note: your email address will be provided to Noell and Matthew so that they may share information throughout the course.


This workshop will be conducted in-studio.