The Path of the Kundalini

Naomi Wilder is seated cross legged on a floor. Her eyes are closed, while her arms are parallel with her forearms stacked at shoulder height.

New to Kundalini yoga? Already love the practice? Open to experiencing this powerfully transformative ancient wisdom?

Come learn how you can gently stimulate the Kundalini Shakti and gain a deeper awareness of how it moves through your Subtle Body.

Participants will experience a potent kriya to create the proper conditions for the coiled energy to rise, breath techniques and stimulating spinal exercises, as well as vibratory permutations that allow the Shakti energy to move through your chakras.

Concluding our practice, participants will be bathed in an ethereal sound bath to allow for the nervous system to assimilate the Shakti into the physical body’s systems.

Open to beginners and seasoned practitioners! All bodies are welcome.


  • General: $45
  • Members: $40
  • Early-bird through 11/27: $40

We’re sorry, but we don’t offer refunds or account credit on workshops or trainings.


This workshop will be conducted in-studio.