Lead With Your Core Yoga Workshop Series

Eva Alexander smiling

In this workshop series, you will be developing a practice to engage your physiological, energetic and spiritual core.

  • You will learn the physical exercises to strengthen your core muscles and learn the mechanics to get into arm balance poses or inversion poses
  • You will learn how to engage Bandhas to find “ energetic lift”
  • You will learn about the 8 limbs of yoga, and specifically, you will practice using your body and breath to anchor your mind to find your path to” enlightenment”

All About Arm Balances  Saturday, January 25 | 1:30-3:30pm
You will explore engaging your core to do all kinds of arm balance poses: bakasana, Lolasana, Bhujapidasana, Titibhasana, Parsva Bakasana, Dwi Pada Koundiyasana, Eka Pada Koundiyasana A, Astavakrasana, Eka Pada Koundiyasana B. Advanced practitioners who are able to do these arm balances will learn various transitions to get into these poses.

Pre-requisite: Doing Arm balance poses will require healthy (pain free) wrists.

Inversion Plays Saturday, February 22 | 1:30-3:30pm
Learn to do Headstand, Tripod, Pincha Mayurasana (forearm balance), handstand, and how to safely bail out from handstand in the middle of the room.

Pre-requisite:  Doing inversion poses will require healthy neck.

Behind the Scene of Physical Yoga Practice • Saturday, March 22 | 2:30-4:30pm
What makes your yoga practice truly about yoga but not just about doing gymnastics or exercises? What are the 8 limbs of Yoga and the three pillars of Ashtanga Yoga? Most importantly, how do you build and sustain a home practice? We will also do some yoga and some pranayama.

No prerequisite! Just come with a curious mind.


All Sessions:

  • $130

Individual Sessions

  • General: $60
  • Members/Early bird see below: $50

Arm Balance – Early bird ends January 15
Inversion Play – Early bird ends February 12
Behind the Scene – Early bird ends March 12

We’re sorry, but we don’t offer refunds or account credit on workshops or trainings.


This workshop will be conducted in-studio.