Return of the HANDSTAND

Leslie is doing a handstand while on the boardwalk.

Been practicing yoga for a long time but still can’t do handstand? Do you wonder why it’s not happening for you? It’s likely because you aren’t training specifically for them. Are you ready to change “I can’t” to “I CAN HANDSTAND”? If so, then this club is for you.

Only 2 chances to join Handstand Club this year – May 31 and June 21. Each session will be a little different this year – in May we will work on strength and endurance building specifically for this epic pose; while June will increase the challenge by practicing many handstand shapes and pressing (!?!) into handstand. In both sessions, you’ll be surrounded by a loving and supportive community, with plenty of time for handstand play and individual guidance. Come both months to gain this skill sooner, with optional homework (less than 5 min/day). I am taking the best of the best drills, skills, and tips to get you into handstand poses safely and confidently. Join the club that is the trifecta of all clubs ‘`Stability + Strength + Flexibility ON YOUR HANDS!’.

Registration is separate for each session, unless you choose the 2 session package.

Disclaimer: Handstand Club is a challenging workshop, and being upside down can sometimes be disorienting and confusing. Leslie will offer the option for individualized hands-on-assists to further your handstand journey, providing a consent card for your right to refuse touch at any point throughout the workshop. To best assist you, please inform the instructor beforehand of any past injuries/physical limitations (specifically shoulders, wrists, and hips), or if you have any other questions or concerns.


Individual Session:
General: $75
Members: $60
Early-bird see below for deadlines: $60 

  • May 31 session – May 21
  • June 21 session – June 11 

Both sessions:
General: $125
Members: $108
Early-bird through 5/21: $108

We’re sorry, but we don’t offer refunds or account credit on workshops or trainings.


This workshop will be conducted in-studio.