Chant this Mantra to Clear Your Mind, Body, and Speech

Interpreting the meaning of “om mani padme hum.”

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Mantras are a series of words or phrases that are repeated or chanted during meditation. They give the mind a focal point by producing a beat and flow that are easy for the mind and body’s energy system to grasp hold of. When the mind wanders out of that state, the mantra helps bring it back.

It’s important to state that just reciting words (without reflecting on their implications) does not qualify as a true mantra practice. Understanding its meaning has a powerful effect. Take for instance om mani padme hum. To get the full picture of this mantra, let’s break down the meaning of each word:

Om (or aum) represents three: body, mind, and speech, and it relates to both impure and pure states of each. The impure is linked to basic human misunderstandings, while pure is related to the Buddha. Buddhism understands that while developing pure body, speech, and mind, all beings can become Buddhas.

Mani means “jewel,” referring to altruism, the belief in and practice of selfless concern for the wellbeing of others. This word is related to all practices of compassion. Just as a jewel saves a person from poverty, this practice can remove our suffering, and move us toward awakening.

Padme is translated as “lotus,” which represents wisdom. Though it comes from the mud, a lotus blossoms into a beautiful flower. We can think of many kinds of wisdom, but, here, it talks about the wisdom of emptiness that knows the nature of reality.

Hum can be understood as “combination,” “unity,” or “indivisibility,” and is the syllable for “undisturbed.” Combining altruism and wisdom is the way to purify the body, mind, and speech. This word refers to wisdom that is affected by method and vice versa; they support each other.

Om mani padme hum, then, can be understood as purifying the body, mind, and speech through the combination of compassion and wisdom. The path that is the indivisible practice of method and wisdom can take us toward the Buddha mind.

This mantra is a reminder that we shouldn’t look outside for “Buddhahood.” The tools or substances needed to achieve that state are inside of us – there is no need to look elsewhere.

Picture of Karina Lambert

Karina Lambert

Karina is a yoga teacher and folk dance instructor who, before moving to California, used to drink mate in Buenos Aires. She's an avid learner and reader of all things philosophy, psychology, yoga alignment, and normal beings who are inspirational. When she's not teaching, she practices presence with her daughter and loving partner by playing games, singing together, going on hikes, making practical jokes, traveling to new destinations, or laughing and crying while watching Queer Eye in her favorite pjs. Karina enjoys spending time with her close friends and has learned that vulnerability is courageous. She tries to develop the art of listening from a loving, nonjudgmental heart. Yoga off the mat is as valuable, or more, as on it.

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