Studio Policies


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      Cancellation Terms

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      We will encourage you to freeze/suspend your account if it’s for issues that may be alleviated in 3 months or less. However, if you must cancel, you will be responsible for paying 40% of what is left owing on your contract. Prepaid memberships are non-refundable.
      Our class packages expire 1 year from purchase date. Other promotions may vary.
      No, our class packs are non-refundable and non-transferable.
      Unused classes from the 8 Class Per Month membership do not roll over to the following month. All classes must be used within the month they are allotted.

      Students must be 12 and older in order to practice in our classes. If you are between 12 and 17 years old, please bring a waiver signed by your parent/guardian on your first visit or fill one out online.

      While we promise you that we love your kids, we do not allow children under the age of 12 unattended in our lobby. We kindly ask that you not bring your children with you to yoga class. In the interest of our staff, community and you, we are not flexible on this policy and will not allow you into yoga class if your child is unattended.

      We ask that all phones are silenced or turned off prior to entering a class and stored in a cubby or locker. We ask that all cell phones stay out of our studio rooms. If a cell phone sounds during class, our front desk will try to silence the phone and leave a note as a reminder. Please turn all watches and other electronics on silent mode.

      Yes. We have a strict 5-minute late policy. Anyone arriving more than 5 minutes after class starts will not be allowed to enter the class. We believe that a yoga class is a journey meant to have a beginning, middle and end.

      For online classes, we require pre-registration for classes up to the class start time to be able to receive the class link.

      We are authorized to charge the drop-in fee to your account, should you leave the studio without paying.
      No. Unfortunately, we do not offer refunds or account credit on workshops, events, or intensives.
      All workshops must be paid upon registration. If you wait until the day of to pay, your spot will not be saved in advance.

      Yes. We donate items that have been here for 30 days or more.

      Just Breathe, LLC (DBA Breathe Together Yoga) is in compliance with California and Santa Clara County requirements for business operation. Our entire staff practices proper hygiene and hand washing techniques. Furthermore, we encourage staff to not come to work when sick.

      In-studio classes

      See our New to BTY page for more information and how to purchase. Note that our new student special is only for students new to the studio.

      Take care of yourself and others by not coming to the studio if you aren’t feeling well or have any symptoms of illness.

      For everyone’s comfort, we continue to keep our classes at a limited capacity. As long as space remains, you can sign-up for an in-person class right up until it begins. See our Class Schedule page to sign up. Pre-registrants and waitlisted students have class-admittance priority over walk-ins. Click here for Mysore pre-registration protocol.

      All students must sign a new waiver. Please fill one out beforehand here.

      We have ample free parking available in our parking lot at the Vasona Station shopping plaza. We are extremely accessible – just off Highway 85, 17, and San Tomas Expressway.

      We suggest wearing comfortable, athletic clothing that will allow you to move with ease.

      Bring your own mat, towel, and props if available. Otherwise, rental mats are $5, and we have complimentary blocks, bolsters, straps, and blankets for use. We do not have towels for use. Our props are cleaned weekly and seasonally, according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. Please leave your shoes and other belongings in our cubbies in the main lobby, and silence all electronics while in class. Your valuables are best left at home.

      We sell high-quality mats, blocks, straps, and towels in our retail shop, including online. We provide a filtered water station for you to fill up your water bottle.

      Our 5-minute late policy is in effect so do arrive on time, if not earlier (we allow entrance in the practice room up to 10-15 minutes prior to class). No one may enter the room after 5 minutes into class. Click here for Mysore pre-registration protocol.

      We offer two shower rooms equipped with shampoo, conditioner, and body wash. Please bring your own shower towel as we don’t offer towel services.

      One of the niyamas included in the first limb of the eight limbs of yoga is “saucha.” The Sanskrit word “saucha” is often translated as cleanliness or purification. We come to our yoga practice clean. Also, in consideration of those who are sensitive to perfumes, essential oils, lotions, and deodorants, we strongly suggest not wearing any scents during yoga practice.

      We clean the rooms after each class along with any high-touch surfaces in the building. Restrooms are also deep-cleaned regularly. Hand sanitizer is readily available in many areas throughout the studio.
      We have had our air filtratration systems checked and upgraded, and we conduct seasonal maintenance.

      Mysore classes

      Mysore is a style of self-practice particular to the Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga method. In a Mysore room, the students move at their own pace through a predetermined series of postures. The teacher instructs each student individually through verbal and visual cues, and/or hands-on adjustments but generally does not speak to the whole class as a group. Each student will gradually learn the sequence pose by pose. In the beginning, depending on the student’s ability, the practice may be as short as 30 minutes. Slowly, the practice becomes longer as postures are added.

      New students are always welcome! Please check the class schedule for any schedule changes or class cancellations. Note that we take Saturdays and Moon Days (see below) as days of rest.

      Breathe Together’s Mysore-Style Ashtanga is listed on the class schedule. Please check there for any schedule changes, class cancellations, and whether class is online or in-studio. Students come and go within the class timeframe; it is not necessary to arrive at the start time or stay the entire 2 hours.

      Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga is also taught through a led format on Fridays from 7:30-9:00am, open to all levels of students. The instructor takes the students through the entire Primary Series, leads the count in Sanskrit, and walks around the room observing, assisting, and guiding. Full Led-Primary is a great way to be introduced to the practice, and totally okay if at some point you just stop and observe.

      Students with a dedicated Mysore practice are welcome to come to practice Mysore-style during the led classes.

      In the Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga tradition, we observe the new and full moon as days of rest. This also provides us with a means of practicing nonattachment towards our asana practice.

      Class is cancelled on the mornings closest to the full and new moon each month. Click here for the list of all Moon Days in the current calendar year.

      In a Full Led Primary class, the students move through the Ashtanga Primary Series sequence of postures together with the teacher’s count. We offer a Full Led Primary that demystifies all the postures in the series and teaches the essence of each pose without being too focused on how the pose looks. A little more time will be spent on instruction, especially as we approach the later postures of the series. All levels of experience are welcome.

      Great! We encourage you to try one of our Led Ashtanga classes. For regular Mysore classes, during the first visit, we ask that students new to the practice first observe it in action. When you walk into the room, please quietly introduce yourself to the teacher, who will ask you to comfortably take a seat and observe the typical activities in the room. At the appropriate time, the teacher will then begin instructing you on the method and sequence. 

      We welcome drop-ins at any time, but sometimes it is nice to communicate ahead of time prior to your first visit, whether it is online or in-person! If you would like to contact us, please send an email to Mojdeh Zahiraleslamzadeh.

      1. Try to be as empty of food or drink as possible. This tends to be easier the sooner you arrive after waking.
      2. Do not bring water into the room.
      3. The room temperature may vary. You may want to bring a hand or yoga towel and/or rug if you tend to sweat during physical activity or dress in layers if you tend to get cold easily.

      In a Mysore-style setting, students arrive at different times and are therefore not practicing the same poses at the same time or trying to keep up with each other. Students practice quietly at their own pace. The teacher observes each student day after day, working on the same postures, and may provide assistance to help students intelligently move deeper in their practice. Based on your body and your practice, you may do only a portion of the poses in the Primary Series or you may develop a practice that even goes beyond the Primary Series.

      You are most welcome to join us during your visit to the area. Drop-ins are always welcome, but we do ask that you either introduce yourself to the teacher upon first arrival or send an email to Mojdeh Zahiraleslamzadeh ahead of time to introduce yourself and your practice. We look forward to seeing you!

      The Mysore room is open to practitioners for 2 hours. However, most students come and go as their practice and schedules dictate. If you are new to the practice, you may finish within 30 minutes. Those with a longer practice may stay as long as 2 hours.

      Within the framework of the Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga method, we invite students to show up and practice as their schedule allows. We simply ask students to dedicate themselves to their practice, and that may mean different things to different students. At Breathe Together, we take Saturday off as a day of rest. 

      Not exactly. The self-practice follows the Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga method and sequence of postures. The series are intelligently designed to open the body pose by pose, sequentially. The earlier postures help prepare the body to work forward towards later postures. Based on each student’s abilities and disposition, the practice may be customized (for example, by the introduction of modified expressions of a posture) to safely meet each individual’s needs within the boundaries of the method. Communication between student and teacher is important.

      Do not worry. You move through the series one posture at a time (with guidance from the teacher on when to stop or move forward). A lot of the work is done in the preceding postures to get you to the next one. If you cannot complete your unique “full expression” of a particular posture, the instructor may teach appropriate modifications or alternatives that will help prepare the body and nervous system for the pose. The intention of the method is to open the body slowly over a lifetime of dedicated practice.

      Students in our Mysore room vary in age and experience. We have students who started their yoga journey in the room with us. We also have experienced practitioners from other styles of practice and a number of yoga teachers from various styles. We have new mothers and fathers, pregnant women, retired folks, night workers, dancers, runners, triathletes, those recovering from illness or injury, etc. In other words, all are welcome! What makes this practice unique is that each and every one of the students is working within the parameters of their capabilities with the same sequence of postures. The only requirements for practice are dedication and willingness to learn.

      The teacher observes those in the room and will walk around to provide verbal and visual cues, and hands-on adjustments. There are moments of short conversations with a particular student, for example, to teach a new pose or transitions in and out of a pose. So, yes, there is some talking inside the room, but it is usually isolated to one student’s work on their mat, and there is generally no group instruction.

      Aerial Classes

      You must have a yoga mat to attend Flying Lotus. Mats are available for rental for $5.

      Please be aware of any jewelry, belts, zippers, buttons or anything that may snag the fabric. You will be asked to remove these items prior to class and set them next to your mat, or you may leave them in a cubby or locker, or simply leave them at home.

      It is recommended that you eat early enough to let your food digest before class starts.

      Children must be 12 years or older to attend.

      Even if you have signed up online, please arrive ten minutes early to ensure securement of your spot. Each aerial sling must be fitted to your unique height and size so that our teachers can ensure your safety and comfort in flight. Arriving early will help this process.

      Online classes

      1. Log in or create your MindBody account.
      2. Be sure that your email address is current and that you are subscribed to receive our email updates. Your links for online classes will be emailed to the address we have on file. Log In -> My Info -> Check all boxes under “What do you want to hear about?”
      3. Prior to your first class, download the Zoom app for desktop or mobile using the same email address. For the best experience, you’ll want to join us from a device with a video camera and microphone. This way, we can both see and hear you. You have the option to join class without video from your end if you prefer. We are using Zoom to live stream our classes, and it works on laptops, iPads, and smartphones. We highly recommend sorting out your Zoom connection before class begins.
      4. Please fill out our waiver before your first class in order to be able to attend class. If you already have an account with us, please select “Already have an account“.
      5. Sign in for classes on our website. You can find our schedule here.
      6. An email with a class link will be sent to you 30 minutes prior to class. PLEASE NOTE: you may need to check your spam folder.
      7. Practice in the comfort and safety of your own home with your favorite teachers! It’s a privilege to be invited into your home and to have you practice with us.

      No, you only need to fill it out prior to your first class.

      When you join the classroom, you will have the option to join with or without video. Simply click your preference option. If you have chosen one option or another and would like to change your choice during class, simply click the screen option at the bottom left of the video screen.

      Yes, and we highly recommend testing before class begins. See here for testing instructions.

      You can use the “Chat” function in Zoom to ask questions. Your microphone will be muted during class.
      Selecting Speaker View at the top right of the video allows you to see just the teacher. If you select Gallery View located at the top right of the video, you will see all of the other students in the class.
      Try and find the place in your home with the strongest internet connection to access the livestream. If your internet connection is slow, keep your video and microphone off and just watch and listen to the livestream.

      If you are using your laptop, Google Chrome has shown to have best functionality with the Zoom program.

      While we won’t be able to stop class to help with any technical issues, we are happy to help you troubleshoot after class. You are welcome to email questions to our admin staff.

      Payment will be accepted and processed upon enrollment via our MindBody system. If you have a class package or membership with us, the class will automatically pull from the described pricing option.

      If you would like to purchase a membership with us, please check our membership options and their respective rates here. Contact us to purchase.

      This occurs because your payment for the following month has not processed yet, so until the charge is processed, the system does not recognize past that renewal date as being active. The day the payment is processed, you will be able to pre-register for that month! If you encounter this problem and would like to pre-register for a class, please contact us to pre-register.
      1. Have you filled out our waiver (you only need to do it once)? If you did not fill out our online class waiver, unfortunately we are unable to send the link.

      If you have filled out an online waiver with us already:

      1. Did you receive a “Reminders & Confirmation of Reservation” email at the time of your registration for the class? If not, then the reservation may have not been complete.
      2. If you have received the confirmation email, check your Spam folder.
      3. If you have an @aol, @hotmail, @sbcglobal, or other older email domain, these class emails may take longer than usual to hit your inbox. Consider using an @gmail account, or just be aware that there may be a delay.
      4. Still no link? Email us!

      Online classes are not recorded. We encourage you to check out our free video library of on-demand practices.

      Park classes

      Outdoor classes are held on one of the lawns of La Rinconada Park located at 151 Granada Way in Los Gatos. This is a neighborhood park with plenty of street parking. Below is useful information about preparing for and attending our outdoor classes.
      Take care of yourself and others by not coming if you aren’t feeling well or have any symptoms of illness.
      Pre-registration is required. We do have a limit on the number of students we can host in the park. As long as space remains, you can sign-up for an in-person class right up until it begins. See our Class Schedule page to sign up. If you can’t make it, you must cancel 3 hours in advance to avoid a late cancellation/no-show fee.
      All students must sign a new waiver. Please fill one out beforehand here.

      Outdoor yoga depends on having decent weather and air quality. When the Air Quality Index (AQI) is less than 100, we will hold classes. If we need to cancel, registrants will be notified by email.

      Bring your own mat and any props you prefer. We also recommend you bring something to place under your mat like old towels, a tarp, a beach mat, or any other thing you feel would be nice. We’ve even seen someone bring a shower curtain! Staff will not hold onto belongings. Any items you bring may be placed beside your mat.
      Don’t forget about taking care of the small things that are easily forgotten when outdoors. We suggest wearing sunscreen, bringing a ball cap or other head covering, maybe sunglasses, and definitely some water.
      Arrive 10-15 minutes beforehand. This will allow enough time to find parking, gather your items, and make your way to where we are (look for others with yoga mats!). When you find us, check-in with our administrator and set up your space.

      Our late policy is in effect. No one may enter the space after 5-minutes into class.

      For regular yoga classes, to join you for practice, kids should be at least 14 years old and officially registered for the class. If you’re looking to let your kid play or hang out while you take class, we have seen this work well when a child is highly independent. There is a playground nearby and if you know your child can navigate it alone or be in a spot close to you for 60-75 minutes without interrupting you or the class (e.g. creating noise, coming in and out of the space where students are practicing, etc.), it will probably be fine. If we notice that the distractions are above what we typically experience or are creating safety concerns, we will ask you to join us at another time.

      Unfortunately, this lovely park does not have any restrooms.
      There is a water fountain near the tennis court.

      JOY Training

      200 Hour

      No.  However, we encourage students to purchase books listed on the Reading List, listed on each training info page.

      No, absolutely not. The books listed on the Reading List is a comprehensive list of texts that are important for your education before, during, and after your training. Students should start by reading The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer.

      Yes, students will receive a Joy of Yoga manual. Yes, the manual is included in tuition.

      You do not have to take Dynamics immediately after Foundations. For instance, you can wait until the following year when Dynamics is offered. Once you are complete with both the Foundations and Dynamics courses, you will be a certified 200 hour teacher through the Joy of Yoga program and can register with Yoga Alliance.

      You can find feedback from past graduates at the bottom of this page.

      You can find school ratings through Yoga Alliance here.

      300 Hour

      You may enroll and begin your program at any time. Apply anytime and gain acceptance in the Joy of Yoga 300-Hour program to receive the checklist detailing the courses and other materials required to graduate. Students do not have to take the Core Curriculum before they begin Elective Courses.

      Yes, the Core Curriculum is mandatory for all students enrolled in the Joy of Yoga 300-Hour Teacher Training program.

      If students did not come from the Joy of Yoga 200-Hour program students should start by reading The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer and upon acceptance are provided a Garland of Yoga manual.

      No. The Joy of Yoga program does not accept outside training toward certification.

      No. Only Core Curriculum and Elective Courses listed on our 300-hour page count toward certification. Students will achieve 270 hours through the Core Curriculum. Students will choose 30 hours worth of Elective Courses.

      Only courses taken within 18 months prior to being accepted into the 300-hour program may count toward the graduation requirement.

      Most students complete the program in two years, and we strongly encourage that time frame.

      You can find feedback from past graduates at the bottom of this page.

      You can find school ratings through Yoga Alliance here.

      100 Hour JOY MAP

      This program, along with the individual intensives, are open to the public, along with JOY students. Anyone over the age of 18 can take them. You will learn lifelong habits for well-being through awareness practices that you can do at any moment of the day.

      No, but to attend intensive 5 (Meditation and Awareness Practice), you must have attended intensives 1, 2, 3, and 4.

      Intensives 1, 2, 3, and 4 can be taken independently. The individual intensives can be taken as part of the Joy of Yoga 300-Hour Teacher Training.

      Our course is accessible to anyone. You do not have to have decades of experience in meditation, only a desire to learn and a willingness to establish a regular meditation, mindfulness or embodied awareness practice.

      Yes, you can receive continuing education credit through Yoga Alliance.

      Yes, you can receive JOY 300-hour elective credit.

      However, you may not receive both continuing education and elective credit for any one module, nor the entirety of the program; you must choose the type of credit you would like each to go toward. If you choose to get certified in JOY MAP, you will not be able to apply the credit toward the 300 hour elective hours.

      We have a limited number of scholarships available. Please submit a scholarship application if you are interested.

      Our workshops, events, and intensives are non-refundable.

      1,000 Hour JOY Leadership Program

      Admission is on a rolling basis so you may apply when you’re ready to start pursuing this path. Applicants should have completed 500-hour certification.

      No. The Joy of Yoga program does not accept outside training toward certification.

      Courses in our JOY program count, along with any workshops (not classes) led by Jennifer Prugh and/or Mojdeh Zahiraleslamzadeh will count. Additionally, students will journey on at least 1 retreat to a location where yoga was originally practiced (India, Bali, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, and Japan). Refer to the 1,000 hour checklist

      Most students complete the program in three years, and we strongly encourage that time frame.

      Code of conduct

      The purpose of the Code of Conduct is to ensure a safe and nurturing environment in which students can learn and instructors can teach. It also covers the relationship between the yoga teacher/instructor and student to ensure the student can grow toward physical, psychological and spiritual well-being. Students, faculty, and administration agree to honor the philosophy of Joy of Yoga School of Integrative Learning and uphold the Code of Conduct.

      We expect students to be on time for class, after breaks, and after lunch. Please let faculty know if you will be tardy.

      Students are encouraged to have 100% attendance. However, we understand that students have important commitments outside of the classroom. Should extenuating circumstances impact attendance, students are permitted to miss class. It is the responsibility of the student to pick up any missed learning material by coordinating with a cohort to record and/or take notes during class.

      We expect students to complete all assignments and reading material on time and participate appropriately in class discussions.

      Maintain your own regular yoga practice. We expect our students to commit to ongoing studentship and professional development.

      We expect students to come to class ready to learn; this means you will have the appropriate materials, resources and completed assignments, as well as the appropriate attire. Wear comfortable clothing that allows unrestricted movement and come prepared to practice even if the class sounds more like a lecture.

      Observe personal hygiene and refrain from wearing perfumes, bath oils, strong smelling shampoos, lotions, aromatherapy or fragrances, as some people are sensitive or allergic to them.

      We expect students to follow the principles of the Yamas and Niyamas. This applies to academic integrity as well as in relationship with other people. Students will respect copyrights, acknowledge sources when drawing on the work of others and will not cheat during assessments.

      We expect students to acknowledge and teach yoga within the scope of their skills, knowledge and ability. We expect you to assume responsibility for being aware of your own limitations.

      Permission to record class lectures depends on the faculty giving the lecture; if permission is granted and you record the lecture, you are not allowed to distribute the recordings to anyone outside of the program.

      The school does not allow possession of any kind of weapons, illegal drugs, and alcohol on school property at any time.

      We expect students to maintain confidentiality and respect privacy of faculty and classmate information in all forms, including social media-related information. We expect students to treat faculty and peers in a fair and respectful manner in accord with the Yamas.

      The school assumes consent from students to photograph, audio or video tape record when student signs the Breathe Together Yoga waiver form.

      The school assumes consent from the student to share name and email address with 300-hour Core and Elective faculty members (at the 300-hour level), and/or 200-hour lead teachers (at the 200-hour level) for teachers to send information pertaining to their applicable courses.

      We expect students and faculty to work together to maintain a safe, clean, and comfortable environment for the teaching and practice of yoga.

      To ensure a safe and clean environment, leave shoes at the entry. Students help clean and tidy up at the end of each session by returning all mats and props to their proper storage places.

      We expect students to establish and maintain appropriate professional relationship boundaries, including the recognition of avoiding dual relationships that could compromise the integrity of the student/student and student/teacher relationship.

      We expect students to let the faculty know about any physical limitations so appropriate supports and touch may be suggested.

      We expect students to be respectful of the faculty’s time and the time allotted for class material. If you have a particular issue, please address it with the faculty outside of class time.

      Agree to cooperate fully with any inquiry in relation to behavior and responsibilities.

      We expect students to treat other yoga teachers and colleagues in a respectful manner, speak respectfully of other yoga traditions and health modalities, communicate with each other and with clients in a courteous, respectful, compassionate and honest manner.

      We expect students to demonstrate respect to all students regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, physical limitation, sexual orientation or religious affiliation and respect the values, beliefs and aspirations of all yoga students.

      Students in the Joy of Yoga program will abide by all policies and procedures, as described above.

      JOY Grievance Policy

      A certificate will be issued once all requirements are completed and all program and administrative fees are paid in full (all payments have been fully received by Breathe Together and Joy of Yoga).

      If a participant drops out during any part of the program, course hours will not be granted for the incomplete program or course.

      To receive a certificate of completion for any program, all classes must be attended per the attendance guidelines.

      Any student denied certification has the right to seek the review of the School Director; if the student does not agree with the School Director’s decision, the student may follow the Student Grievance Procedure as outlined below.

      Student complaints should be brought to the attention of a JOY faculty member and/or School Director to attempt resolution as described below under the Student Grievance Procedure. The faculty member and School Director and student are to follow the grievance procedures below. If satisfactory resolution cannot be reached between the student and the school, the student may file a written complaint to a mediator agreeable to both parties. All student complaints must be filed within one year after the student discontinues training at the school.

      Student complaints should be brought to the attention of a faculty member and the School Director. The complaint may begin as a verbal discussion. The discussion and outcome of the discussion will be documented in the student’s folder and signed by the faculty member, School Director and the student. In all cases the School Director will be informed of the discussion and results.

      If the student feels he/she has not found resolution, the student should write and document his/her complaint, including any supportive information. The written document will be given to the faculty member and the School Director.

      The School Director will meet independently with the faculty member and the student. The School Director will have the right to investigate the situation. This may include interviewing peer students and other faculty. All meetings will be documented and signed by the people in attendance of the meetings. All documentation will remain in the student’s file.

      When resolution is determined, the School Director, faculty member and student will meet and document the outcome of the meeting. If the student still does not feel he/she has found resolution, he/she has the right to file a student complaint with a mutually agreed upon mediator.

      The filing of a complaint will not affect the student’s fair evaluation in completing a program or course.

      Any violation of school policies may result in permanent dismissal from school.

      terms of use

      Just Breathe, LLC, dba Breathe Together Yoga (the “Company”) maintains the Website located at BreatheTogetherYoga.com (the “Website(s)”). These Terms of Use (the “Agreement”) set forth legally binding provisions for your use of the Website. By using the Websites, you agree that the Agreement is enforceable against you and that you are legally bound by this Agreement. If you do not accept the terms of this Agreement, you should leave the Website(s) and discontinue use of the Website(s).

      As between you and the Company, Company owns, solely and exclusively, all right, title and interest in and to the Website(s) and all content including audio, video, writings, photographs, illustrations, graphics, software, data and materials thereon (collectively, the “Content”), the look and feel of the Website and any intellectual property rights therein. You may download the Content displayed on the Website for your non-commercial use only. You may not remove or alter any intellectual property legends or notices contained on the Content. You may not distribute, modify, transmit, reuse, repost, or make derivative works using any of the Content for commercial purposes.

      If you contribute content to the Company for publication on the Website(s), you hereby grant the Company a non-exclusive, perpetual, worldwide, irrevocable license to use such content. In most cases, Company will only use this content on its Website(s), but Company reserves the right to use this content in other ways, such as using it to make derivative works which may be commercially exploited by the Company. You agree that the Company may use your content for these purposes without making any payments to you. If you are not willing to grant Company these rights, please do not contribute content to our Website(s). Please make sure that any content you contribute does not infringe on the intellectual property rights of any third party. For example, if you upload a video or a photograph, make sure that you are the author of the work and that you have full intellectual property rights to such work. Do not upload content to which you don’t own the rights.

      All Content and other materials on the Website(s) are provided “as is” without a warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular use, and/or non-infringement. The Company assumes no responsibility for damage to your computer or other property resulting from your use of the Website(s). You understand and agree that any downloading or obtaining of Content through the Website(s) is done at your own risk. In addition, we disclaim any and all responsibility or liability for the accuracy and legality of Content and other materials found on the Website. The Company shall not be liable for any damages arising from your use of the Website or the Content.

      By using the Website(s) you recognize that you are participating in yoga classes, health programs, video and audio programs, workshops and/or other wellness, exercise and healing arts activities offered by the Company both in the physical facilities of the studio or online (collectively, the “Activities”). You recognize that you must be in adequate physical and mental health to participate in the Activities. You understand that the Activities may require intense physical exertion, and you represent and warrant that you are physically fit enough to participate and you have no medical condition which would prevent your full participation in the Activities. You recognize that the Activities may cause or aggravate a physical injury or medical condition. You understand that it is your responsibility to consult with a physician before your participation in the Activities. If you have done so, you have taken the physician’s advice. If you have any of the Risk Factors (as defined below) for increased risk of coronavirus infection (“COVID-19), you will consult with a physician before you participate in any Activities at the physical location of the Studio and will follow the physician’s advice.

      You are aware that your participation in the Activities could result in high blood pressure, fainting, heartbeat disorders, physical injury, heart attack or stroke and may aggravate pre-existing injuries. You understand that you could experience muscle, back, neck and other injuries as a result of your participation in the Activities. Not all exercises are suitable for everyone. You understand your physical limitations and you are sufficiently self-aware to stop or modify your participation in any Activity before you become injured or aggravate a pre-existing injury.

      You are aware that your participation in the Activities at the physical location of the Studio could result in exposure to COVID-19. You are aware that, if you are over the age of 65 or have an underlying medical problem (such as asthma, chronic kidney or lung disease, diabetes, hemoglobin disorders, immunocompromised or with significant liver disease, heart conditions, obesity or pregnancy) (collectively, “Risk Factors”), you have an increased risk of contracting serious medical issues or potential death if you are exposed to COVID-19.

      You understand that it is your responsibility to judge your physical and mental capabilities for the Activities and to ensure that, by participating in the Activities, you will not exceed your capabilities while performing such activity. You will select the appropriate level of classes for your skills and abilities, as well as for any limitations you have. You understand that instructors may suggest the use of props, equipment, poses, modifications, and instruction and it is your sole responsibility to determine if any such instructions are appropriate for your level of ability and physical and mental condition.

      You understand that the Company is not a medical organization. Its instructors and staff are not medical doctors and they cannot and will not give you any medical advice or diagnosis. Nothing contained in the Website should be construed as any form of medical advice or diagnosis.

      We may display links to and/or advertisements of third-party websites (“Third-Party Sites”) or products that are not provided by our Company. The display of such links or ads does not constitute or imply our sponsorship, endorsement or approval of Third-Party Sites and we are not responsible for, and we do not make any representation or warranty with respect to any Third-Party Sites. If you choose to use Third-Party Sites, you do so at your own risk. We encourage you to conduct your own research and due diligence regarding such third parties and their products. You understand that when using Third-Party Sites, you are subject to the terms of use of such Sites, and not to our Terms of Use. Any claim you may have against Third-Party Sites must be brought directly against such Sites. You acknowledge and agree that under no circumstances will our Company be liable for any act or omission of a Third-Party Site or for any injury, loss or damage incurred by you as a result of your use of Third-Party Sites or any goods offered on such Sites.

      Breathe Together Yoga is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. When you click on and/or make a purchase through a link to an Amazon affiliate link placed on our website, we may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you.




      privacy policy

      We are committed to protecting your privacy.

      We are committed to protecting any personal information that we collect from you.

      Please read the following Privacy Statement to understand how your information will be treated. We will collect the minimum amount of information about you that we need to provide you with our business offerings. By your use of this website, you consent to our collection of your personal information.

      We may collect any personally identifiable information that you give us including your name, address, telephone number, fax number, credit card information, birth date, and email address, together with technical information about your use of our website.

      Your personal information relating to credit card payments and your membership is processed by Mindbody Online (www.mindbodyonline.com) on a secure website linked to ours. Mind-Body has its own privacy policy and any information that you provide on its website will be subject to its privacy policy.

      We may collect non-personal information. This may include the type of Internet browser you are using and the domain name of the website from which you linked to our website. We may use this information on an aggregated basis to operate and enhance our website, deliver advertising and similar activities.

      We may use information collected on our website for a variety of purposes including improving our website and contacting our customers and users. We may use your information to communicate with you about products and services, market research or to provide you with information we think may be of particular interest to you. If you make a purchase on our website or become a member, we may send you order, shipping, and related emails. We will always give you the opportunity to opt out of receiving any of our communications.

      You may review and correct any personal information that we have collected about you.

      Please contact us by email if you wish to do this.

      Your Internet browser can store cookies that allow websites to recognize your account.

      Our website and/or the Mind-Body Online website use cookies to enhance your experience. You have the ability to prevent your computer from accepting cookies but, if you do, certain features of our website may be impaired.

      We do not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer to outside third parties your personally identifiable information. This does not include third parties who assist us in operating our website, conducting our business, or providing services to you, so long as those parties agree to keep your information confidential.

      We may also release your information when we believe it is necessary to comply with the law, enforce our policies, or to protect our rights, your safety, the safety of others, or to investigate fraud. However, non-personally identifiable information may be provided to outside third parties for marketing, advertising, or other purposes. We may disclose your personally identifiable information if we have your consent to do so.

      If you have opted to receive our email newsletter, you may stop receiving our newsletters by following the instructions in each newsletter. We will honor all requests to stop receiving our newsletters and other communications as described in “Contacting Us” below.

      The effective date of this Policy is July 1, 2013. Any changes to our Privacy Policy will be displayed on our website and will supersede this version of our Policy. We will take reasonable steps to draw your attention to any changes in our Policy. However, we suggest that you read this Policy each time you use the website to ensure that it still meets with your approval.

      You may visit other websites, through links on our website, which may collect, use and share your personal information in accordance with their own privacy policies. This Privacy Policy applies only to our website and does not address the privacy policies of such other websites. We encourage you to be very cautious before you disclose your personally identifiable information on other websites.

      If you have any questions about our Privacy Policy, or if you want to know what information we have collected about you, please email us here. You can also correct any factual errors in your personal information or require us to remove your personal information that we may control.

      ethical guidelines

      Breathe Together Yoga is committed to providing an inclusive, safe, and welcoming environment for all members of our staff, clients, subcontractors, and vendors. We are dedicated to providing a harassment-free and inclusive environment for everyone regardless of gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disabilities, neurodiversity, physical appearance, body size, ethnicity, nationality, race, age, religion, or other protected category. We do not tolerate harassment of participants in any of our classes, retreats, workshops or other activities. We take violations of our policy seriously and will respond appropriately.

      Breathe Together Yoga does not tolerate any form of sexual misconduct. Sexual misconduct may include offensive and unwelcome sexual comments and offensive and unwelcome physical contact of a sexual nature. We have adopted these Ethical Guidelines which provide principles for the type of conduct that we expect at Breathe Together Yoga.

      If you believe you have been subjected to discrimination or actions of any person who have violated our Ethical Guidelines, please immediately inform the owner of Breathe Together Yoga, Jennifer Prugh, by filling out the form below and/or emailing it directly to Jennifer. We will keep your report strictly confidential.

      Breathe Together Yoga’s Ethics Committee will investigate every report promptly and impartially. The parties who are involved in the complaint will be informed of the results of the investigation. If Breathe Together Yoga’s Ethics Committee finds that its policies or Ethical Guidelines have been violated, it will take appropriate action, up to and including discharge of offending employees and/or similarly appropriate action towards offending contractors or clients.

        Date of the incident:

        Description of Incident:
