Filling in the gaps: Functional Strength for Yoga Practitioners

Johnny Rhodes smiling

This might be a starting point for some, or even a refresher course for others when it comes to strength training. The purpose of this workshop is to give attendees the tools to become stronger in a more whole body integrated fashion. Attendees will learn how different movements can help them improve their yoga practice by giving them both added strength and stability for their whole body.

What you will learn:

  • Understanding the basics: Learn the fundamentals of squats, hinges, lunges, overhead press, and core stability movements.
  • How to progress and regress: An important part of working out is to know how to progress or regress a movement, not only for a client, but also for yourself.
  • Planes of motion: What are the 3 planes of motion and understanding if we move in certain planes of motion, the exercise gets harder or easier.
  • The “WHY”: Understanding the reasoning we pick certain movements is important because we don’t want to just go through the motions, but instead go through them with intent.
  • How to put together your own workout: You will be able to put together your own workout that you can perform in the privacy of your own home with limited equipment.

John will be supported by Noell Clark during the workshop.

About Johnny Rhodes
My name is John Rhodes and I have been a personal trainer for over 12 years. I have a Bachelors Degree in Kinesiology from San Jose State University and a Masters in Science degree in Sports Performance Training from Concordia University Chicago. In the 12 years which I have trained, I have worked with people as young as 12 years of age to 88 years old. My methodology of training comes from Dynamic Variable Resistance Training (DVRT), which focuses on using an integrated approach to working out versus isolating muscles. I have worked closely with both Josh Henkin and Jessica Bento from DVRT over the years and have found the best results for my clients has been from utilizing this system. In DVRT we focus on using sandbags, kettlebells, bands and suspension trainers. I have worked at the Southwest YMCA for 12 years, and during the pandemic started my own business, John Rhodes Personal Training, where I either go to peoples homes, train them virtually or write up monthly workout programs for them. I have worked with high school athletes, yoga practitioners, and general population who want to be stronger for daily life activities.


  • General: $65
  • Members: $55
  • Early-bird through 4/30: $55

We’re sorry, but we don’t offer refunds or account credit on workshops or trainings.


This workshop will be conducted in-studio.