Handstand Club: A Once-a-Month Workshop Designed to Build Confidence and Strength in the Upside Down World


“The first rule of Handstand Club is: you do not talk about Handstand Club. The second rule of Handstand Club is: you DO NOT talk about Handstand Club!” Did you visualize Brad Pitt saying that to you? Unfortunately, I can’t say if Brad Pitt is in Handstand Club or not — got to honor the rules. The third rule is COME to Handstand Club and PLAY!  This inclusive club will meet once a month to practice different types of Handstands (and other fun arm balances). Come every month for consistent practice being on your hands, or just drop in whenever your schedule allows.

Have you ever wanted to build strength and confidence to begin a handstand practice? Have you ever wanted to be upside down, balanced on your hands, in the middle of the room? Have you ever wanted your legs to float off the ground and stack them right over your body? Then this all-levels workshop is for you. You don’t have to be a yogi…heck, you may have never been upside down on your hands in your life! I am taking the best of the best drills and skills to get into handstand poses confidently, tips cultivated and learned over the last few years from some of the BEST Handstanders out there. In every class, we will practice balance with the support of the wall, away from the wall, core and shoulder strengthening exercises, flexibility of wrists and hamstrings, and connecting it all together to one day jump (or float!) into handstand. Join the club that is the trifecta of all clubs “Balance + Strength + Flexibility ON YOUR HANDS!’.

*Recommended in-studio for hands-on guidance. If you are using the online option, please have wall space available.

Workshop will also be offered on the following Saturdays from 12:30-2:00pm:

  • August 6th

Registration is separate for each session.


  • General: $50
  • Members: $45
  • Early-bird through 7/6: $45

We’re sorry, but we don’t offer refunds or account credit on workshops or trainings.


This workshop will be conducted in-studio and online via Zoom.
Password and instructions will be sent privately to registrants 30 minutes before workshop begins.