One of the most powerful ways to maintain your health, radiance, and energy levels in these intense times is through a daily breath practice. It is also one of the most efficient ways to reset your mind and change old thought patterns.
The good news is that your daily breath practice doesn’t have to take long, and it doesn’t have to be arduous.
Infinity Breath is a curated pranayama practice that anyone that breathes can benefit from. The breath sequences are 9-minutes each. They are enjoyable, using simple combinations and permutations of air flow that bring immediate results.
When you cultivate the life force of prana everyday, you build up a reservoir of energy. This energy can be used by your body for digestion, regeneration, and detoxification. What this vital energy can do for your mind is unparalleled. Your psychic awareness heightens, your glands function optimally, and your nervous system becomes more regulated.
Participants will be taught the basics on how to perform Infinity Breath sequences properly to maximize benefits. Specifically for this workshop, sequences curated for spring reset will be taught with the intention of setting up a successful daily home practice for you to continue beyond our time together.
All bodies welcome, all levels of experience welcome.
We’re sorry, but we don’t offer refunds or account credit on workshops or trainings.
This workshop will be conducted in-studio.
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