Intentional Creativity

Amy Carroll finding painting on a large brown paper.

In this workshop, we use meditation, pranayama, asana, chanting, and journaling to set our intentions and break through our Inner Critic. We are still painting intuitively, but instead of completing one large 4’x4’ painting, we’ll have several different offerings using any and all of the different mediums we wish. Think finger painting with pastels, crayons, collages, watercolors, and or acrylics. We are practicing LELA, the Sanskrit word for PLAY!

In fact, we are so intent on process over product that we might have a ceremonial burning of our painting at the end of day 1. This is elective, of course, but it assures that we are not attached in any way to the product, and it promotes more authentic expression and a feeling of complete freedom!

The best part is you can’t do it wrong; ZERO art background is required! 

What are the benefits?

  • Boost our creativity and get the juices flowing again. Imagine art without rules!
  • Find JOY, PLAY!
  • Release stress.
  • Battling pain? Intuitive painting can provide an outlet and help with the healing process. We paint the pain.
  • Release anger stored way down that you can express via painting, and find healing.
  • Connect with yourself. When was the last time you allowed yourself to feel and learn the ART of listening to your intuition? 
  • Practice mindfulness. This process helps you to stay in the here and now, thus increasing awareness.

Bonus: Professional caterer Tessa Carroll of provides our light breakfasts and full lunches!


  • General: $300
  • Members: $275
  • Early-bird through 4/23: $275

We’re sorry, but we don’t offer refunds or account credit on workshops or trainings.


This event will be held in a private residential garden setting in Los Gatos. Attendees will receive info about the location the day before the event.