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Introduction to Iyengar Yoga


Many yoga students have the notion that Iyengar Yoga is static and lacking in dynamic flow. This is a mistaken idea of the essence of BKS Iyengar’s approach to the endlessly expansive and creative field that is yoga. Maya has practiced this style of yoga for 40 years and taught it for 30 and she continues to discover new revelations of physical and mental experiences. In this workshop, students of all levels of ability will be introduced to the way in, to experience what Mr. Iyengar spoke of as “Alignment is Enlightenment.” If this sounds like something your practice might benefit from, please come challenge yourself.

About Maya

Maya Lev is the Director and owner of Yoga Center Santa Cruz. Maya’s love of yoga was initiated by her first teacher, Sarah Pepper, when she was a freshman at UCSC. She subsequently became a student of Ruth Hille, a founder of Yoga Center Santa Cruz, who encouraged her to consider teaching yoga. Maya attended the teacher training program at the Iyengar Yoga Institute of San Francisco and began teaching in 1993. She is profoundly grateful to Kofi Busia, her primary teacher for the past 22 years, for inspiration, guidance, and insight into the subtle mechanisms of the asanas and their effect on the body. In her teaching, she combines a rigorous physical practice with a deep reverence for the spiritual transformation yoga offers to each student.


  • General: $90
  • Members: $75
  • Early-bird through 10/11: $75

We’re sorry, but we don’t offer refunds or account credit on workshops or trainings.


This workshop will be conducted in-studio and online via Zoom.
Password and instructions will be sent privately to registrants 30 minutes before workshop begins.