Have you ever second-guessed yourself, only to realize later that your first impression or feeling was the better choice? Or notice yourself saying, “I should’ve listened to my gut?” Ever walk into a room where the air felt dense or heavy, only to find out later there was a heated debate or argument in that space just prior to your arrival? Have there been times where you experienced a strong sensation, an emotion, a strange thought, or maybe even a presence, but weren’t able to pinpoint how or where it was coming from? Do you feel drained and tired after spending time around certain people or places? If you said yes to any of these questions, or are simply curious how to nurture your innate intuition and protect yourself from external energetic influences, then this training is for you!
We will:
Suggested reading:
You Are Psychic by Pete Sanders, 1999 edition (2016 audible version also available)
About Jayson
Jayson has been meditating and studying metaphysical phenomena since a teenager, as well as a long time yoga practitioner. He will share personal life experiences and lessons learned, as well as wisdom passed down from his mother who has honed her intuitive abilities over decades.
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This workshop will be conducted in-studio.
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