Set The Bar with These Sustainable Business Practices

From our yoga studio’s in-house expert.
Picture of Katy Rohrer

Katy Rohrer

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Looking up at the green tops of trees. Italy

One of the eight limbs of yoga is, “Do no harm.” When I think about doing no harm, I think about the amount of harm we can prevent from happening to our ecosystem and home, planet Earth.

My educational background is in climate-change adaptation, specifically focusing on human interaction with our environment. Everywhere around me, I try to implement practices of sustainable living while producing the least amount of waste I can. So, when I was asked to advise on sustainability practices at Breathe Together Yoga, I felt excited and up to the task. It’s difficult to run a profitable business while taking into consideration the many ways businesses and physical spaces use energy and resources. Luckily, the studio makes a concerted effort to be eco-friendly.

The first way to become a green-minded business is to consider how many items that might create waste are being provided for your clientele – from little things, such as providing single-use cups and utensils, to larger consumptive waste, like the amount of laundry and cleaning supplies used. Whenever possible, natural cleaning solutions, as well as reusable cleaning tools and cutlery can help maintain a neutral balance in your space. Encouraging the clientele to bring along their own towels, cups, etc. can be a great way to continue the trend.

Energy is another huge resource to pay attention to. Lights, computers, and thermostats are huge energy guzzlers that can easily be reduced. Being mindful to turn off all lights and electronics when they are not being used is important. Additionally, thermostats should only be in use when absolutely necessary, and, newer versions, like Nest, now have many energy-efficient settings.

By setting an example that sustainability mindfulness is important and integral to your business, you show your clients that you are creating a caring space while also encouraging other businesses to follow suit. Ultimately, by adapting to less wasteful and more sustainable practices, everyone benefits!

Picture of Katy Rohrer

Katy Rohrer

Katy is a California native whose studies and love for travel took her to Germany for two years and then Australia for another. She is receiving her Masters degree in Geography of Environmental Risk and Human Security and loves all things eco-friendly and sustainable. When she's not brushing up on climate change, she loves to cook with family and friends, ride her bike, travel the globe, and be around people as much as possible. She's always looking for smiles, views, and good times!

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