Shodo: Japanese Calligraphy


Sho means writing  and Do means the way of doing something. Japanese calligraphy, developed from Chinese writing about 2,000 years ago, is the way of writing with brush and Sumi ink. This fun activity evokes creativity and some may find it meditative and calming while writing.

In this workshop, we will practice the posture, how to hold the brush, basic strokes and write with sumi ink to create a piece of art with the word (character) of choice. Samples will be provided so that participants can choose which letter they want to write such as:

心 heart / mind
念 mindfulness
愛 love
和 peace, harmony

We will practice on hanshi, a thin paper used for calligraphy, before finishing up on a square board paper to take home.

Materials are provided.


  • $45 (Regular)
  • $40 (Members/Early Bird through September 13)
  • Proceeds will go to Yu-Ai-Kai, a Senior Center in San Jose’s Japantown.

We’re sorry, but we don’t offer refunds or account credit on workshops or trainings.


This workshop will be conducted in-studio.