Infinity Breath: Kundalini Pranayama Basics
One of the most powerful ways to maintain your health, radiance, and energy levels in these intense times is through a daily breath practice.
One of the most powerful ways to maintain your health, radiance, and energy levels in these intense times is through a daily breath practice.
New to Kundalini yoga? Already love the practice? Open to experiencing this powerfully transformative ancient wisdom?
New to Kundalini yoga? Already love the practice? Open to experiencing this powerfully transformative ancient wisdom?
Experience a journey through the ethereal frequencies of planetary gongs and 432 Hz crystal bowls, alongside deeply transformative practices.
As we emerge from the hibernative wintry depths, the seeds of potentiality emerge and present us with the power of rebirthing ourselves. In this workshop, we will begin the spring season together with activated intention.
Welcome 2023 – take an afternoon with Cindy to reboot your movement practice and reinvest in healthy lifestyle and mindset habits.
According to Kundalini Yoga technologies.
How one little seed grew into a support system.
It may not be your enemy after all.
Tending to your physical body.
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