Tag: mindful

Concentration Meditation | Marcela Christjansen

Have you ever considered what your relationship to the center is? You are formally invited to experience the art of concentration! Whether you are feeling tired, overwhelmed, or just in need for a break, well, there is no better moment than now to explore and uncover what this means to you. Beginning by creating a nurturing space, this practice makes space for you to dive into a deep breathing practice, followed by guided meditation. A meditation centered around concentration will allow you to slow down and feel (re)connected to that inner quiet space that is your center. Let yourself be guided, breathe mindfully, and experience being present. Enjoy!

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Good Morning Sun | Izumi Sato

Support your practice with Surya Mudra to cultivate positive energy, increase heat, and reduce dullness. This is great to practice in the morning when you desire to create light within and start a happy day.

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How Mindfulness Can Help You Navigate Social Media

Now that social media has become an extension of our own communities, a lot of negative perspectives and habits have made their way from the digital world to our real one. By becoming aware of your emotions and actions, you can get past the bad side of social media and enjoy the company of your social circle.

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Peace Within | Izumi Sato

Support your practice with Shankha Mudra to cultivate a peaceful mind and center yourself. Find the peace you already carry within. We can change ourselves to feel free of tensions and find peace within.

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Listening Meditation | Izumi Sato

Meditate with Shanka Mudra to explore listening within and expand the space within you. This mudra allows you to cultivate a peaceful mind within. Shanka (conch) symbolizes the sacred sound of “aum.”

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Vinyasa Space Between | Izumi Sato

In this Vinyasa flow, we incorporate Pancha Mukha Mudra to improve concentration and create space in the chest. Bring awareness to the space between the palms. Notice the space between your inhalation and exhalation. Enjoy the space between the poses in the flow sequence. We open space within not only the chest but also the hips and whole body. This is also a Pratyahara practice.

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Peacock Feather Vinyasa | Izumi Sato

As we strengthen our core with the practice of Uddiyana Bandha (flying lock) and Mula Bandha (root lock), we can establish the awareness of lifting our center of gravity with control. This awareness helps us balance in any inversion pose and in arm balance poses. In this practice, we gradually open our shoulders and arms to prepare for this arm balance: Pincha Mayurasana (Peacock Feather Pose).

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Vajra Mudra (Vinyasa focused Upward) | Izumi Sato

In this energetic flow, we incorporate Vajra Mudra to cultivate will power and positive energy. This practice offers discernment when we face the challenge to balance in not only yoga asanas but also in our lives. By using this mudra, we gather our energy toward the center and align our vital energy flow upward. Directing energy flow improves our concentration. It supports engaging our core for balance and challenge in any asanas. Let’s discover this subtle change and the power of mudra.

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