Tag: practice

Marcela in swing

Adaptive Yoga

This immersion is a perfect opportunity for yoga teachers to develop proficiency in teaching adaptive and accessible yoga to senior and basic level students of all ages, physical abilities and types.

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Marina smiling

Adapting Yoga for Pregnancy

As a birth doula and prenatal yoga instructor, I’m excited to offer this workshop for yoga teachers, fitness instructors, and pregnant students who want to confidently adapt their practice for pregnancy.

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Kate Breathe Together Yoga

Make Your Own Mala

Join Kate for an afternoon of fun and mala making.

We will start with a brief introduction to malas, their history, and significance in various spiritual traditions.

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Paint Your Guts Out

What are we doing? Intuition Painting – we’re using the Creative Process to dive deeply into self-discovery. It’s not an Art class because we are

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Radiant Listening: Whispers of the Heart

Whether you categorize yourself as a beginning, novice, or experienced meditator, I imagine that we’ve all found ourselves with those moments of clarity that occur in meditation where it seems like an idea or word dropped in from out of nowhere.

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Mellow Side Body Focus | Dana Schwartz

A celebration of the side body while staying low to the ground. This is a low and juicy mellow flow focusing on the side body. We’ll play with circles of breath moving up the front body and down the back body. Cool down with these calming, gravity-loving twists.

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Mellow Classical Flow | Dana Schwartz

A celebration of a traditional flow while staying low to the ground. We’ll incorporate Iyengar inspired alignment tips to discover and deepen postures, with a focus on the variety of ways we can play with a bent leg against a straight leg. Seated twists and folds low to the ground will enable you to explore your inner baby. Explore figure 4 bridge lifts to side plank tree.

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Vigorous Exploration | Dana Schwartz

Go deep, stepping a toe into the unknown. We will explore dharma wisdom with respect to building honesty through yoga. As we build heat through asana, we’ll burn away what doesn’t serve us. Our exploration will take us through hand/wrist and feet/ankle positions as we travel to known postures, balancing poses while twisting. Discover the sattva in between effort and playing with Energy Looping, a visual breath practice.

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Joy of Yin | Dana Schwartz

Discover JOY by following this slower paced, thoughtfully curated asana flow. This is my curated approach to moving into, staying in, and moving out of longer held poses to promote experiences of grace and peace. Incorporating slow movements that encourage your body to calm and open into receptivity. We’ll use props to assist the process of deepening the opening. I provide guidance through breath practices to enhance the overall Yin experience. Lastly, cues in each posture will serve to assist your breath in finding the calmest ports of call.

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Joy Flow | Dana Schwartz

Joy is an expression of love. As we embrace the love of ourselves, we fall into the special sidecar of JOY. Practicing with a sense of Joy is the objective of this practice. Ignite the inner smile through mindful movements. Breaking down the 3 part breath, Kapālabhāti and Breath of Joy. Encouraging deep twists and lateral body play as well as balance poses.

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Yoga for Cyclists

Learn and practice specific poses that can stretch and strengthen muscles to help relieve tightness, alleviate pain, and allow for better mobility on and off the bike.

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Yoga on the Flow | Paulette Sato

“Yoga on the Flow” is a play on “Yoga-on-the-Go.” It’s a sequence for people with limited time and focuses on core strength and stress reduction, with some kickboxing integrated into it. This set of Asanas is meant to be fun, and is good for people with busy lives who want a high energy, short invigorating practice.

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Tapping for Sleep | Christy Li

Tapping, an EMT (Emotional Freedom Technique), is a powerful tool to use for many different reasons but particularly for when you are feeling stuck and want to move forward. Tapping meets you where you are without judgment, acknowledging how you are truly doing in the moment. Next, by hitting particular acupressure points, you can get the release you need and reset the mind and body to move forward. This tapping session is an example of how I use tapping to help my sons fall asleep and how we use it if they wake up during the night.

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Joyful Flow | Christy Li

What brings us joy in our life? Do we bring it in on a daily basis? When we are not so happy, where does our power, thoughts, energy go? How do we bring it back? Is a mantra helpful? Let’s try one today on our mat as we do a Vinyasa Flow filled with balance postures, Half Moon Pose, seated twists, and more.

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High Intensity Yoga Love | Christy Li

Need a workout that includes both high intensity movement and yoga? This is it. From 20 minutes of spiking your heart rate and challenging your strength to 20 minutes of yoga flowing and stretching. May this workout help you feel uplifted, energized, and strong both on and off the mat.

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Funky Side Crow | Christy Li

Life is a balancing act, especially as we are home during a pandemic. How do we find balance both on and off the mat during these times? On the mat, let’s play with balancing poses, such as figure fours and a funky side crow. Off the mat, let’s do our best to be open to all the unknowns and changes around us. Let’s remember to breathe and make time to come back to our mats, whether for a calming meditation or for some asana practice to move our bodies.

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Break and Begin Again | Christy Li

Today’s practice starts off with a story about a family and adjusting to a new normal. We can apply this story to our lives on and off the mat. What is working and, more so, what is not? Can we adjust, balance, and begin again?

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30 Minute Vinyasa Flow | Christy Li

This practice focuses on trusting, listening, and taking time to vision. Off the mat, when and how do we practice these traits? What about on the mat? Is today the day you will go from Crow Pose and trust yourself to safely jump back into a plank either for the first time or for the 900th time, or is today the day that you listen and realize you are not in the right state to try? So often we push ourselves, play the negative talk record, and/or just go through the motions. Maybe today is the day you take it easy, be gentle, and know that it is there for you next time. You and I are worthy of loving ourselves and one another, let’s do that on and off the mat as much as possible (even on the hard days).

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Full Body Roll Out

Experience a luxurious, in-depth, full-body roll out. We will take a journey up the front line and down the back line of the body, helping us stand taller and dig into common cranky zones (like the low back, shoulders, neck and hips).

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Prayer Flag Making in the Garden

Join Amy as she guides a small group through a soulful day of creatively expressing our prayers for our planet, the natural world, the animal world, our families, and ourselves by imprinting, and embellishing the flags with personal prayers, symbols, and Mantra.

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Suda Y Derritete | Marcela Christjansen

Esta clase es un Flow clasico. Vamos a calentar y sentir ese calor interno, el cual nos va a llevar a una sensación de soltar, dejar ir para finalmente derretirnos en la suavidad de la calma y balance. ¡Disfruta!

This is a classical yoga flow where we will create a heat that we can notice from within, allowing us to connect to a surrendering sensation of letting go. Eventually, we’ll melt into the softness of calm and balance. Enjoy!

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Sun Salutations A, B, & C | Marcela Christjansen

This traditional Vinyasa practice focuses on Surya Namaskaras (Sun Salutations) A, B, and C. For beginners, this practice welcomes you to take your time and get acquainted with Sun Salutations. For more practiced yogis, this class offers a short yet energetic practice to break a sweat, refocus, and connect to the movement of your body.

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Concentration Meditation | Marcela Christjansen

Have you ever considered what your relationship to the center is? You are formally invited to experience the art of concentration! Whether you are feeling tired, overwhelmed, or just in need for a break, well, there is no better moment than now to explore and uncover what this means to you. Beginning by creating a nurturing space, this practice makes space for you to dive into a deep breathing practice, followed by guided meditation. A meditation centered around concentration will allow you to slow down and feel (re)connected to that inner quiet space that is your center. Let yourself be guided, breathe mindfully, and experience being present. Enjoy!

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Quiet Strength | Marcela Christjansen

Welcome to today’s flow focused on strength. Strength in today’s class is both related to the physical body as much as mental and spiritual strength. You are invited to use this focus as an invitation to listen inwardly to the quiet inner strength that when consciously listened to is a gift.

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Escaneo Corporal | Marcela Christjansen

Esta es una meditación donde vamos a hacer un escaneo del cuerpo completo, desde la punta de los deditos de tus pies hasta la coronilla de la cabeza. Esta meditación está enfocada a la relajación mental y física. ¡Disfrutala!

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Mojdeh is sitting cross-legged on an outdoor bench, while smiling.

Therapeutic Back Bending

Benefits of backbends are endless. On a physical level backbends stimulate and restore the central nervous system, boost immune system, realign and increase mobility in the spinal column, open the hips, and strengthen and stretch the legs.

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Good Morning Sun | Izumi Sato

Support your practice with Surya Mudra to cultivate positive energy, increase heat, and reduce dullness. This is great to practice in the morning when you desire to create light within and start a happy day.

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Inner Strength | Izumi Sato

Breathe and cultivate the earth element. We incorporate Prithvi Mudra and offer a step-by-step practice for Mula Bandha. This is a great practice whenever you are in need of rootedness and centeredness, so you can connect to your inner strength.

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Shine Your Way to Firefly | Izumi Sato

We aim to improve the flexibility of hamstrings and shoulders, as well as the strength in the arms, thigh adductors, and the core. Variations are offered to develop the sense of balance on the arms. It is an exploration of your own expression in Firefly, whatever stage of life you’re in.

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Introduction to the Buddhist Mudras | Izumi Sato

Mudras are highly stylized and symbolized as non-verbal communication. In this introduction to the Buddhist mudras, we will learn five Buddhist mudras and the mudras of the five wisdoms, or five Buddhas. After learning the forms and meanings of the mudras, it’s fun to observe the arts such as Buddha sculptures and paintings.

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Chanting Gayatri Mantra With Mudras | Izumi Sato

In this mantra, the 24 Mudras are practiced while chanting the Gayatri Mantra which has 24 syllables. Gayatri Mantra is dedicated to Savitri, a Vedic sun deity. Among various translations of the mantra, I introduce the first line by Tias Little and the rest of the lines by Swami Vivekananda.

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Open Eye, Lotus, and Heart | Izumi Sato

Meditate with Padma Mudra to boost your self-healing power, plus open your perspective and Heart Chakra. This is an open-eye meditation to improve your concentration. Observe your lotus flower blossoming and the inward opening of your heart.

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Mindful Vinyasa | Izumi Sato

This sequence is like a moving meditation through Sun Salutations, helping you connect with your breath. Open your awareness to what is here in the moment. Mindfulness between movement and stillness supports your well being.

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Listening Inward Vinyasa | Izumi Sato

In this Vinyasa flow, we incorporate Shanka Mudra to cultivate peace and bring the keen sense of listening within. Shanka is the conch shell, one of the oldest musical instruments in many parts of the world. Our inner ear is coiling and spiraling like a conch shell. It governs the sense of balance and the awareness of space and time. What will happen when you relax your inner ear? Bring awareness to this subtle change. Invite your senses inward as we practice pratyahara, internalizing your senses.

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Peace Within | Izumi Sato

Support your practice with Shankha Mudra to cultivate a peaceful mind and center yourself. Find the peace you already carry within. We can change ourselves to feel free of tensions and find peace within.

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Vinyasa Space Between | Izumi Sato

In this Vinyasa flow, we incorporate Pancha Mukha Mudra to improve concentration and create space in the chest. Bring awareness to the space between the palms. Notice the space between your inhalation and exhalation. Enjoy the space between the poses in the flow sequence. We open space within not only the chest but also the hips and whole body. This is also a Pratyahara practice.

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Peacock Feather Vinyasa | Izumi Sato

As we strengthen our core with the practice of Uddiyana Bandha (flying lock) and Mula Bandha (root lock), we can establish the awareness of lifting our center of gravity with control. This awareness helps us balance in any inversion pose and in arm balance poses. In this practice, we gradually open our shoulders and arms to prepare for this arm balance: Pincha Mayurasana (Peacock Feather Pose).

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Vajra Mudra (Vinyasa focused Upward) | Izumi Sato

In this energetic flow, we incorporate Vajra Mudra to cultivate will power and positive energy. This practice offers discernment when we face the challenge to balance in not only yoga asanas but also in our lives. By using this mudra, we gather our energy toward the center and align our vital energy flow upward. Directing energy flow improves our concentration. It supports engaging our core for balance and challenge in any asanas. Let’s discover this subtle change and the power of mudra.

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日本語ヴィンヤサヨガ生きる歓び (Joy of Vinyasa) | Izumi Sato


Yoga is to experience the joy of being alive with your body, mind, and heart. The mudra that supports this practice is Surya Mudra. Receive positive energy from the sun. Transform yourself from darkness to light.

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日本語ヴィンヤサヨガベーシック、テーマ水 (Vinyasa Yoga Foundations) | Izumi Sato

水をテーマに、身体も心も水のように動き流れていきます。自然五大元素の一つ、水。大地から湧き出る水。雨、川、海に流れる水。体内にある水。新鮮な美味しい水、自然からの恵、水。あなたにとって水とはなんでしょう? 水への感謝の気持ちと共にヨガをしてみましょう。水に流すという言葉のように、身体も心も清め、リフレッシュしましょう。

This practice includes Sun Salutations with the theme of water, one of the five elements in nature. Move your body and mind like the flow of water. Nature provides us with fresh water to drink, touch, see, and hear. Water heals us and connects us with nature. Nature is within us.

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Shoulder Stand | Bridget Puchalsky

We will experiment with ways to practice shoulder stand. This video will give you options on how to make the pose work for your body. We’ll include props, which are really useful in inversions like this one, to both enhance and align the pose.

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Ashtanga Yoga Intensive

Certified Ashtanga Yoga Teacher Harmony Slater comes to guide four days of Mysore practices and several workshops. This is an opportunity to work on your individual practice and learn some helpful tools.

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Autumn Half-Day Retreat

Offered only in our studio, Jennifer’s seasonal retreats will continue for another year, beginning this Autumn. Each seasonal retreat has a specific focus. This Autumn retreat will build upon last Autumn’s retreat.

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Yoga & Prayer Flag Making in the Garden

Join Amy as she guides a small group through a soulful day of creatively expressing our prayers for our planet, the natural world, the animal world, our families, and ourselves by imprinting, and embellishing the flags with personal prayers, symbols, and Mantra.

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