Adjustment Clinic
In this Clinic, we will apply a therapeutic approach to the asanas of the Ashtanga Vinyasa Primary Series as a platform to learn how to support yoga practitioners during their practice.
In this Clinic, we will apply a therapeutic approach to the asanas of the Ashtanga Vinyasa Primary Series as a platform to learn how to support yoga practitioners during their practice.
Today’s practice starts off with a story about a family and adjusting to a new normal. We can apply this story to our lives on and off the mat. What is working and, more so, what is not? Can we adjust, balance, and begin again?
This practice focuses on trusting, listening, and taking time to vision. Off the mat, when and how do we practice these traits? What about on the mat? Is today the day you will go from Crow Pose and trust yourself to safely jump back into a plank either for the first time or for the 900th time, or is today the day that you listen and realize you are not in the right state to try? So often we push ourselves, play the negative talk record, and/or just go through the motions. Maybe today is the day you take it easy, be gentle, and know that it is there for you next time. You and I are worthy of loving ourselves and one another, let’s do that on and off the mat as much as possible (even on the hard days).
Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga means so much more than whether or not you can put your leg behind
your head or catch your heals in backbending, though those can be fun and tangible landmarks
within our asana practice.
This sequence is like a moving meditation through Sun Salutations, helping you connect with your breath. Open your awareness to what is here in the moment. Mindfulness between movement and stillness supports your well being.
In this Vinyasa flow, we incorporate Shanka Mudra to cultivate peace and bring the keen sense of listening within. Shanka is the conch shell, one of the oldest musical instruments in many parts of the world. Our inner ear is coiling and spiraling like a conch shell. It governs the sense of balance and the awareness of space and time. What will happen when you relax your inner ear? Bring awareness to this subtle change. Invite your senses inward as we practice pratyahara, internalizing your senses.
In this Vinyasa flow, we incorporate Pancha Mukha Mudra to improve concentration and create space in the chest. Bring awareness to the space between the palms. Notice the space between your inhalation and exhalation. Enjoy the space between the poses in the flow sequence. We open space within not only the chest but also the hips and whole body. This is also a Pratyahara practice.
Yoga is to experience the joy of being alive with your body, mind, and heart. The mudra that supports this practice is Surya Mudra. Receive positive energy from the sun. Transform yourself from darkness to light.
In this workshop we will take a methodical approach to instruct the students through the various aspects of the postures included in the Intermediate Series of the Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga.
The purpose of this workshop is to provide the students a step-by-step guide to learn Ashtanga Vinyasa Primary Series.
This Vinyasa flow of rooting and grounding incorporates mudra, dristi, and bandha to activate and balance the earth element.
A fun Vinyasa Flow class to add some movement to your day.
Get your yoga on during a busy day with this fluid, full-body practice. We will flow and challenge ourselves.
This flow is packed with various practices and expressions from vinyasa yoga.
You are invited to join Stephanie for an afternoon of chakra-centered flow.
This weekend is an introduction to Ashtanga Yoga open to all levels of experience or lack there of.
Welcome 2023 – take an afternoon with Cindy to reboot your movement practice and reinvest in healthy lifestyle and mindset habits.
In this Clinic/Workshop, we will apply a therapeutic approach to the Ashtanga Vinyasa Primary Series to learn how to support yoga practitioners during their practice.
A free, short practice to start your day.
Decoding jargon commonly used in class.
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