The Story of Tea

Gideon 2023 Pic

The drinking, preparation and growing of tea, the world’s most popular beverage, has been a cornerstone of intellectual and commercial societies for hundreds of years. Once a month throughout the first half of 2024 we will step into the epic story of tea, joining tea-sipping poets of the Tang dynasty, Japanese ritualists, drug peddlers, emperors and revolutionaries in appreciating the power of this simple drink. In our first month we will sample a variety of green teas and focus on the early history of tea in China and Japan. In the months that follow we will showcase, black, oolong, and specialty teas while exploring different eras of global tea culture. Join us one Sunday per month for a rollicking ride through the history and enjoyment of leaves and water, one of life’s simple pleasures.

May 19 Session: Herbal Tea – Enjoyable Medicine
early-bird through May 9th

A basic range of herbal teas can be a mainstay in any kitchen. While tea by itself is both energizing and soothing; add some tasty medicinal herbs and you can change your physiology and your mood in almost any direction. In order to cool themselves in a hot climate, The classic Indian chai includes ginger and other warming spices. Morrocons added mint to their tea, while in Thailand they mixed tea with lemongrass for the same reason. We will also learn about several non-caffeinated teas. Come sample these teas and more for this last class of The Story of Tea series.

January 21 Session:  Green Tea – The Classic Elixir
early-bird through Jan 11th

Green tea was first referenced as an elixir in the second century by Hua Tuo, a renowned physician also credited with creating one of the earliest sets of Chinese healing exercises. As the consumption of tea spread from China to Japan, entire texts were written about the tea plant, its drinking ritual and its cultivation. This first Sunday we will taste a variety of green teas, from the floral jasmine to the delicate powdered matcha. As we compare degrees and styles of tea enjoyment, we will simultaneously explore the roots and early cultural medicinal and cultural roots of tea preparation.  All the teas we sample will also be available through the Mandala Teahouse during open hours. We will of course also include the famous story of Bodhidarma’s eyelashes…

February 25 Session: Black Tea – The Revolutionary Tea
early-bird through Feb 15th

In Europe and the Americas, black tea is the default tea. Being fully oxidized, black tea was easier to ship halfway across the world and it quickly took the 18th century by storm. However, a Chinese imperial edict from hundreds of years prior triggered rebellions from Asia to the Americas. Did you know that the original teas shipped to the West from China have a more subtle flavor, while the teas the British later grew in India and the colonies are more robust? This is one of the reasons that only some teas can take milk. This afternoon we will try a range of black teas, including teas from southern China, spicy chai, and subtle Darjeeling. Come engage your palate and your mind and see if we can discern the differences for ourselves.

March 24 Session: Oolong Tea – Subtle Tea
early-bird through March 14th

Oolong tea spans the realm between black and green teas. The many types of oolong are created by making careful changes to the oxidation process, adding a range of subtlety and nuance beyond what is available from the simple dried leaf. As the benefits of tea drinking have caught the eye of the scientific world, some oolong teas, such as the GABA oolong, are now processed with health specifically in mind. Iron goddess, a famous oolong tea that is often presented as a gift, is actually named after a male Buddhist deity from India that eventually became a widespread symbol of feminine compassion and motherly protection. Other oolongs, such as those from Wuyi mountain, are known for their specific region. There are simply too many oolong varieties for us to sample, but on Mar 24 we will do what we can.

April 28 Session: Yin/Yang Tea – Puerh & White
early-bird through April 18th

 White tea is made from the youngest leaves of the tea plant, while pu-erh tea is generally fermented for years or even decades. The silver soft leaves of white tea produce a bright sweet drink with an abundance of health promoting polyphenols. Pu-erh tea, named after a town in southern China, is generally thought to have digestive benefits, which is why it is sometimes combined with orange peel, a digestive even in European traditions. This month we will sample several varieties of each – it’s up to you to determine a favorite. Regardless of whether that is the fresh liquor of white tea or the dark aged depths of pu-erh tea, you will not forget these drinks.


  • General: $35
  • Members/Early-Bird (dates above): $30
  • Entire Series: $120
We’re sorry, but we don’t offer refunds or account credit on workshops or trainings.


This workshop will be conducted in-studio.