Yoga for Seniors: 3 Easy Steps to Getting Started

A guide to becoming a yogi later in life.

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Yoga at park. Senior family couple  sitting in lotus pose on green grass. Concept of calm and meditation.

Yoga is beneficial for people of all ages, as it helps not only the body but also the mind. People of all ages can learn yoga; however, one demographic of people that are hesitant to learn yoga is seniors. It’s common for seniors to want to learn yoga but never make the effort to do so, thinking they are “too old” or their bodies won’t be capable of doing the movements. 

Yoga is actually incredibly beneficial for seniors because it keeps them in shape, improves their strength, and teaches them mindfulness. In fact, yoga is so beneficial for seniors that a senior living community in New Jersey offers yoga classes to its residents weekly so that they are able to reap the benefits of yoga. 

How Do I Get Into Yoga as a Senior?

Though seniors may need to be a bit more careful when it comes to taking up yoga, they are absolutely capable of becoming a yogi in their golden years. If you are a senior and thinking about becoming a yogi or the idea of yoga is intriguing to you, this post will detail some things you should do to start your yoga journey.  Here are the top three ways that seniors can become a yogi at the age of 70 and up. 

  1. Do Your Research

This is crucial when becoming a yogi in your golden years. Before you jump into any class, make sure that you have done your research to find the class that is right for you. There are various kinds of yoga, so it’s important that you research each to find the kind that will be most beneficial to your body. The most common types of yoga for seniors include:

  • Restorative
  • Yin
  • Hatha
  • Vinyasa
  • Bikram

Read online about the different kinds of yoga, or take it upon yourself to buy books on each and learn in great detail about the benefits and the kinds of movements they require. Likewise, it may even be worth your while to contact an instructor to see what they recommend based on your capabilities and needs. 

  1. Find a Studio or Class That is Right For You

After you have done the research, look for a studio that offers the kind of yoga you are looking for. To do this, you should look online and read about places in your area that have good reviews. Or, if you don’t want to go to an actual yoga studio, look for a studio that offers online classes; these classes may or may not be free of charge.

On the other hand, if you want to start your yoga journey slowly, watch some free yoga videos on Youtube or social media to get an idea of if you like it or not before you spend the money at a yoga studio. Online videos may be just as beneficial for new yogis, and with modern-day technology, it may be worth your while to start out this way, especially if you are a senior that struggles to get around.

  1. Set a Schedule 

Whether you plan on going to a studio or not, make sure to set a schedule for when you are going to practice. A schedule will make it easier for you to get into yoga, as you will have a designated time to do your practice each day. If you plan on going to a studio, look at the schedule ahead of time, so you can plan your day around the class. If you plan on doing yoga at home via an online class, make sure you stick to your schedule; perhaps the same hour every morning or every night. 

Yoga Doesn’t Have An Age Limit 

Whether you are 17 or 70, yoga can be for you. To truly become a yogi, you will have to put in the time and effort. However, the pay off will be outstanding as you will benefit your mind, body, soul, and you will have something to look forward to. If you are a senior that is thinking about getting into yoga, keep these tips in mind as you get started. 

Picture of Kelsey Simpson

Kelsey Simpson

Kelsey Simpson enjoys writing about things that can help others. She lives in South Jersey, is the proud companion to two German Shepherds, and spends her free time volunteering in dog shelters.

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