5 Tips for Creating the Bohemian Sanctuary of Your Dreams

Turn your space into a safe, inspiring home that reflects your highest self.

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It’s a wild world out there. Having a space to call your own is important, especially when it comes to maintaining our sanity. However, what really makes the difference is being able to turn that space into a safe and inspiring home that reflects our highest selves. When it comes to curating a household that invigorates but softens, protects yet allows for vulnerability, and comforts while forcing growth, it is essential to create meaning through style. Whether or not you identify as a stylistic or creative individual, here are some simple guidelines I follow when putting my personal sanctuary together: 

  1. Make it cozy without feeling untouchable – A happy home should feel like you can sit anywhere. Being comfortable in your dwelling is the number one priority. Think pillows, blankets, perhaps a shaggy rug or two, and maybe even some drapes that compliment the color scheme of your space. Curating a vibration that makes the impression that you can sit anywhere will take your environment from merely looking nice to genuinely feeling nice.
  2. Lighting is everything – Never underestimate the power of lights! Lights come in all shapes and sizes, and they all produce a different effect. String lights are good for implementing the cozy ambiance that was discussed in the first tip. Edison lights give off a gentle and thoughtful vibration. Fairy lights can conduct a sense of enchantment. The possibilities are endless, and you can always choose between lighting them all, only a few, or perhaps one at a time depending on the mood.
  3. Setting up your altar(s) – First and foremost, be intentional. Have your altar (or altars) be visible. And keep them clean: Cleanliness is next to godliness, as they say, and the feeling that radiates from your altar will be heavily influenced by how neat and tidy you keep it. Anything goes. Put all your sacred treasures in an arrangement that feels best, and don’t think too hard about it. Trust your intuition. 
  4. Have a plant (or two, or three) – The energy that a plant gives makes a noticeable difference. What better way to inspire life in your space than bringing in something alive? If you’re worried about not being able to maintain it, do a little research to make sure you find the perfect fit. All plants have different needs, and your home is surely compatible with at least a few.
  5. Display what you love – What will really give your living space the ultimate feeling of sanctuary is love. Take all the things you love the most and give them a purpose. Let every pocket of your home have a meaning. Allow any place your eyes land to fall upon something you truly adore. 

There are infinite ways to decorate, and limitless opportunities to put a sense of your Self into all the nooks and crannies of your personal landscape. Put your heart into your home via material things, and allow the dynamism of your sanctuary to shine. There’s no wrong way to be at home, only wonderful possibilities.

Picture of Alexandra Sempel

Alexandra Sempel

Alexandra is a western yoga teacher out of Silicon Valley. Hobbies include curating playlists, expanding her collection of sunglasses and hosting dinner parties. Her practice and teaching focuses on finding the ideal balance between hard work and relaxation.

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