Happy Hips & Knifty Knees: Self Massage, Movement & Stretching


Join us for a 3 hour immersion into movement, massage and mindfulness for your hips and knees. This workshop will contain lecture, asana, breathwork, self-massage and movement patterns that are designed to help you tune into and tune up these notoriously cranky areas of the body. Whether your goals are mobility/tightness, pain relief or strength and stability, there will be something here for you! This workshop is for all levels and chair friendly (non-floor sitting options can be provided).

We’ll focus on the zones:

  • Hip Muscles: Glutes & piriformis, psoas, pelvic floor
  • Upper Leg Muscles: Hamstrings, quads, IT band, TFL & adductors
  • Lower Leg Muscles: Calf muscles, peroneus, tibialis & more!

“The hips are terrible neighbors – when they are cranky they can refer pain up to the lower back and down to the knees.”


  • General: $90
  • Members: $75
  • Early-bird through May 8th: $75

We’re sorry, but we don’t offer refunds or account credit on workshops or trainings.


This workshop will be conducted in-studio and online via Zoom.
Password and instructions will be sent privately to registrants 30 minutes before workshop begins.