The Last Savasana: Yoga, Breathwork, Inquiry to Prepare You for the Final Exit


Join Leslie and Richard for a deep dive into Savasana with a twist. Most of us spend our days trying to extend our lives, i.e. looking both ways before crossing a street, putting our seatbelt on and checking expiration dates on our food. Nonetheless, nothing we do, not even yoga, can help us escape life’s inevitable end. Yoga can help prepare us to face our fear of the inevitable, maybe even embrace it so that we come to appreciate the preciousness of each day we are alive.

Yoga is meant to bring us more awareness and gives us tools to manage the challenges of being human. This workshop is designed to manage the anxiety we all have around dying and to be more comfortable with these types of conversations.

There will be a short lecture on the history, practice, symbolic message of this often misunderstood pose. Then we will do a series of short asana and pranayama practices with a savasana. Each practice will begin with a question around your own death, like what are some of your regrets in life, or what do you want your legacy to be or who am I. After each practice, you will be given time to journal about each question. We’ll conclude with a group discussion and of course, a final (for this workshop) savasana.

Bring a journal and something to write with along with your mat!

A recording of the session will be available for 2 weeks.


  • General: $99
  • Members: $80
  • Early-bird through 10/17: $80

We’re sorry, but we don’t offer refunds or account credit on workshops or trainings.


This workshop will be conducted in-studio and online via Zoom.
Password and instructions will be sent privately to registrants 30 minutes before workshop begins.