Jen Daniels

Jen Daniels, E-RYT 500, completed her initial training with Jennifer Prugh’s JOY of Yoga, then continued training with Julie Rader’s Mukti Yoga School. Jen holds a Master’s of Speech-Language Pathology, which further informs her curiosity with breath and voice.


Although a Connecticut native, Jen spent eight years in California and has been deeply influenced by her teachers and the lifestyle there. She believes in exploring, wandering, inquiry, and building a sustainable kula, or community. Jen’s passion for safe, smart, and interesting sequencing, alignment, and variations translates into all of her classes, including: Vinyasa, Flow, Power, Yin, Restorative, Prenatal, Aerial Yoga, and Paddleboard Yoga. Through the practice of yoga, Jen has cultivated so much joy that she hopes to share with you.

What do you do when you aren’t practicing?

When I’m not practicing yoga, I can usually be found outside. I love to hike, run, garden, snowboard, paddleboard, and read on my hammock. I love to play with horses and now I judge a sport called equestrian vaulting. When I’m not teaching, practicing, or playing, you can find me working as a speech-language pathologist at a middle school in CT.    

Who has influenced your teaching?

Jenn Prugh, Noell Clark, Lorien Neargarder, Joanne Varni, Christina Enneking, Jana Kilgore, Tiffany Cruikshank, Tias Little, Kathryn Budig, Seane Corn, Bernie Clark, Ivorie Jenkins, Amy Ippoliti, Dice Ida-Klein.  

How did you fall in love with your practice? 

I’ve dabbled in yoga asana since high school. When I walked into Breathe, I knew I was hOMe. I remember one of the first classes I took with Jenn Prugh, I went up to her after class and said, “I had no idea there was so much more to practice than just the poses.” She smiled and said, “You’re going to be a teacher someday.” She was rightit was learning about all that is not a pose that made me fall in love with my practice.
