Gather Together: Yin Yoga and Restorative Acupuncture Workshop


Join us for a one-of-a-kind experience of yin yoga followed by the best savasana ever, including an acupuncture treatment. We will practice a long and gentle yin yoga series attuned to calming the nervous system, opening blockages, allowing our minds to quiet. During the final relaxation, Bridget will apply acupuncture needles to support you in deeply resting and restoring.

Yoga and acupuncture are intrinsically complementary practices. Through the combination, we experience an inner calm and deep relaxation that enables us to journey within, center, and connect with our highest self. When we do acupuncture in a group setting, the energies of each treatment help to connect us for collective increased healing capacities.

This workshop is like an end-of-summer homecoming, bringing us all together on our mats. It’s appropriate for those who are new to acupuncture or beginners in yoga as the practice will be slow and gentle.

Please wear loose-fitted clothing that can easily be moved to both knees and elbows with a loose collar or v-neck. All participants will need to fill out an acupuncture waiver with Bridget.

About Yin Yoga

A meditative, healing practice using passive, long-held floor poses. Yin yoga bypasses the muscles and allows you to nourish and strengthen the deeper tissues. Connective tissues, fascia, joints, ligaments, and bones receive gentle, low-load stress. The poses are held between 2-5 minutes and the muscles stay passive to pass the stress on to the deeper tissues. Each yin pose is an opportunity to go inward and find an appropriate balance of effort and ease. It is a wonderful complement to an active (yang) practice and a much needed tool for anyone who needs to unwind a tight body, mind, or heart. Yin is suitable for all levels, including beginners.

About Group Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a medical technique utilizing small needles to send signals to the nervous system, decrease pain, and increase blood flow. Needle Insertion is what most people associate with acupuncture. The sensation of needle insertion varies from person to person. Some people experience a small pinch at the moment of insertion, while others experience nothing at all. At the site of the needle, you might notice a feeling of heaviness or tingling. This “qi sensation” is a sign that the treatment is working, the immune system and blood flow is being influenced by the needle.


  • General: $85
  • Members: $75
  • Early-bird through 11/8: $75

We’re sorry, but we don’t offer refunds or account credit on workshops or trainings.


This workshop will be conducted in-studio