Honoring the Sun & Yourself in Surya Namaskar A


Join Dana Schwartz RYT500 as she breaks down the component poses (asana) of Surya Namaskar A (Sun Salutation A), revealing the roots of each posture, directions of movement, and how props assist one to access the asana in a safe and thoughtful manner. These poses offer key nuggets which are building blocks to all other poses.

Why dive deep into the mechanics of each salutation posture? Most students gravitate to flow classes to move and build heat, yet many move without sticking poses in a way that activates the body fully. Once a student understands the dynamics of each pose, they will be more empowered and able to breathe life into the postures and into their practice, thus making their yoga experience sustainable, safe and deep. 

Explore Sun Salutation A and discover how each body part moves in concert and in opposition to develop and/or deepen SOMATIC (body/felt sense) awareness by connecting internal dots, creating greater alignment which ultimately is the key to integrating body, mind and soul, enlivening our yoga on and off the mat. 

Yoga is a gift to us and to honor ourselves it’s wise to take the time to learn best practices in movement. When we do, we will be able to utilize that information adding longevity to our entire practice.  

This workshops is for anyone who would like to learn, or brush up on the mechanics of each posture that makes up Surya Namaskar A. Each student will receive a handout outlining the poses of each salutation and we will work together to fill in directions of movement while we physically uncover how that relates to our own body’s. 


  • General: $90
  • Members: $75
  • Early-bird through 2/24: $75

We’re sorry, but we don’t offer refunds or account credit on workshops or trainings.


This workshop will be conducted in-studio.