5 Easy Ways to Be More Eco-Friendly (and Economical)

Help the planet and your wallet with these simple steps.
Picture of Katy Rohrer

Katy Rohrer

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Most of us can agree that reducing waste is important but don’t know where to start making changes in our everyday lives. We’d like to live more sustainably but need a little help kick-starting those practices. In case you need a little extra motivating, minimizing waste can actually maximize your budget. Think about it: the less you consume, the more you save (money, resources, etc.). Lifestyle changes can be easiest to begin in our own homes. One way to change our mindsets about reducing waste is paying attention to the immense amount of waste that surrounds us on a daily basis. While there are many different ways to reduce, here are five easy tips to cut down on waste in your home that will help the planet – and your wallet.

1. Minimize Microplastics

Invest in reusable water bottles! We can all benefit by staying hydrated throughout the day, and everyone wins when we avoid plastic and excess waste. Additionally, drinking tap and filtered water has been found to contain much less microplastics than drinking bottled water. Stainless steel and glass water bottles are my favorite!

2. Carbon-Free Cuisine

Think about how many food items and grocery stores rely on plastic bags and packaging. Luckily, there are a lot of solutions for making your kitchen and shopping habits less wasteful. Bring your own reusable bags to the grocery store, use mason jars or cloth bags to shop in the bulk section of your go-to grocer, and only buy what you know you will eat. You can also save your veggie scraps to make homemade vegetable stock by placing a container in the freezer and collecting your weekly scraps.

3. DIY Cleaning Culture

One easy way to go low waste is by making your own all-purpose cleaning spray in a reusable container. Try using one-part white vinegar, four-parts water, and a few drops of your favorite essential oil. Purchasing wood cleaning brushes, as well as glass soap containers and bottles, helps to be consistent with minimizing waste.

4. Zero Waste, Happy Face

Toothbrushes, hair products, and feminine products are usually made from plastic and have a short lifespan. However, there are amazing alternatives that last longer, and are higher quality. For instance, bamboo toothbrushes can reduce your plastic use and are biodegradable. Shampoo and soap bars with zero-waste packaging make a difference with how many plastic containers you might go through otherwise. Lastly, menstruation cups can be a good option for ladies trying to reduce the amount of feminine products they purchase and use each month.

5. Meatless Mondays

Do you feel like you want to begin a journey to eating less meat? For most people this lifestyle change can be very difficult. However, the livestock sector (cows, pigs, and chickens) generate massive amounts of greenhouse gas emissions. If we lessen the amount of livestock we consume, we can make an impact on our collective health and the health of the planet. One way I recommend easing into this change is by practicing Meatless Mondays. For one day a week, you might try eating vegetarian for all three of your meals!

Transitioning into a low-waste lifestyle can be easy and more cost-effective. By following these steps, you can avoid wasting single-use plastics, food, and money, while feeling good about the sustainability you practice in your sanctuary. As a bonus, you might even start to feel you have eliminated unnecessary waste, and find that you have exactly what you need with the right foods and products in your home.  

Picture of Katy Rohrer

Katy Rohrer

Katy is a California native whose studies and love for travel took her to Germany for two years and then Australia for another. She is receiving her Masters degree in Geography of Environmental Risk and Human Security and loves all things eco-friendly and sustainable. When she's not brushing up on climate change, she loves to cook with family and friends, ride her bike, travel the globe, and be around people as much as possible. She's always looking for smiles, views, and good times!

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