Ruby Red: The Meaning Behind July’s Birthstone

Discover its history and spiritual properties – plus, enjoy a special discount!

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An iconic beauty, ruby is the birthstone for those born in July. As one of only four precious gemstones (including emeralds, sapphires, and diamonds), this brilliant, rich-red gemstone has been adored for millennia.

With its dense, hexagonally-structured mineral composition, rating a 9 out of 10 on the Mohs hardness scale, this corundum varietal is one of the hardest gemstones on Earth. In fact, they’re often geologically affiliated with continental collisions that may have occurred over 50 million years ago.

Throughout the centuries, this stone of nobility has not only adorned crowns and scepters, but also ornate weapons and the breastplates of high priests. It is thought to be a powerful protector, as well as a stone of courage, loyalty, and honor. Legend has it that Chinese Emperor Kublai Khan offered the King of Ceylon an entire city in exchange for a single remarkable ruby.

The name comes from the Latin word for “red” (rubeus), and many top-quality “blood red” rubies come from Burma (Myanmar). They can also be found in various parts of Asia and East Africa. American rubies are mined in North Carolina, Arizona, Arkansas, Nevada, Oregon, and Idaho.

Energetically, rubies are associated with the root chakra, located at the base of the spine, and related to the foundation of physical and spiritual energy, kinesthetic feeling and movement, and primal needs, such as survival and security. It has a grounding effect while also actively stimulating harmonious life-force energy. Rubies initiate the physical or sensual pleasures of life, promoting motivation and passion, and helping transmute anger, fear, and negativity. They have been thought to amplify vital energy and stimulate circulation. They are called an aphrodisiac, as they allow one to access and experience love in all forms.

Enjoy a special offer for Breathe Together readers: enjoy 10% off all Indriya jewelry purchases with the code BREATHELOVE – check out the selection of July birthstone pieces now!

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Sponsored: Indriya Jewelry

Highlighting the beauty of natural gemstones in a simple way is the main vision of Indriya Jewelry. Inspiration is found in natural textures, clean lines, and bursts of color. Refined and elegant with a subtle eclectic touch, each piece can stand on its own, adding the perfect singular accent to any ensemble, deserving of the tagline “Power pieces for the eclectic minimalist.” Combined with each gemstone’s own unique signature, all items are energized with the love and attention that only comes from being handmade. Breathe readers, enjoy 10% OFF all Indriya Jewelry purchases with code BREATHELOVE, and be sure to tag your pieces with #indriyajewelry!

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