Making the Switch to a More Sustainable Wardrobe

Are you polluting without realizing?

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Have you ever looked in your closet and thought, When was the last time I wore that? or I have nothing to wear…? The answer is likely yes. Have you ever wondered what happens to those clothes, no longer wearable, that sit in your closet for years and you end up donating to a thrift shop or throwing away all together? Although some pieces do find a second home, the likelihood of your clothing contributing to carbon emissions is much higher. 

Many people are aware that factories have high carbon emissions, plastic ends up in the ocean, and rising sea levels are close to becoming irreversible. We often think that burning fossil fuels, deforestation, and farming create the majority of carbon emissions. However, one of the most silent polluters is actually the textile industry, making up ten percent of humanity’s carbon emissions. In fact, according to Business Insider, “fashion production makes up 10% of humanity’s carbon emissions, dries up water sources, and pollutes rivers and streams.” On top of this, Fashion Expert and Environmentalist Christina Dean from Fashion Revolution suggests that textile waste is estimated to increase by about 60 percent between 2015 and 2030, with an additional new 57 million tons of waste being generated annually, reaching an annual total of 148 million tons.

With today’s consumer-minded society, it is hard to break the habit of wanting whatever is newly in style. First, it is extremely important to acknowledge that we live in a capitalist society, and those who aren’t interested in fashion are not let off the hook. No matter where your interests lie, we shop constantly, and almost everyone has contributed to this form of pollution. 

So, what are you supposed to do with all of this information? Well, here are some ways you can transform your wardrobe into a sustainable fashion capsule with pieces you not only love but that are also made with love:

  1. De-clutter: Whatever the case may be, we all have clothes in our closets that we don’t wear anymore, and clearing out old pieces can lighten the load (and energy) and prepare us for a new phase of life. Go through your closet, and set aside any clothes that no longer fit you, are worn down and unwearable, or are simply not your style anymore. (Stay tuned for next month’s article about how to properly get rid of your clothes – in the meantime, keep unwanted items in a bag in your closet!)
  2. Consider: How exactly do clothes serve you? For some, it may be simply having something to wear every day, while others may use clothing as a form of self-expression and art. It will be easier to understand how to move forward once you establish which side you lean toward. 
  3. Research: Finally, when you are ready to shop, research a company’s mission beforehand. When looking for stores to shop at, you may be able to filter out through a simple Google search. Or, if you have found a company that was recommended to you, it would be best to see if there is an About page on the website. Reformation and Aritzia are two of my favorite companies, not only because they promote inclusivity and diversity but they also have a page on their website that explains where they obtain their materials from, plus their approaches on how to create more sustainable pieces. And, of course, thrift shop! Thrifting is a great way to find unique pieces while not contributing to the production of more clothes. 

What matters most today is that we don’t dwell on the mistakes that we have made in the past. Knowledge is power, and when we know better we do better. So, don’t go looking in your closet and throwing everything away – that would only add to the problem. The most important takeaway is that we shop smart and do our research while still looking as good as ever. Tune in next month to learn how to properly dispose of your clothes you don’t wear anymore.

Picture of Nicole Varni

Nicole Varni

Nicole Varni is a social media and marketing specialist – on top of obtaining her degree in sociology and ethnic studies. A go-getter and entrepreneur, she launched her own media business during the global pandemic after graduating college. Nicole is also a philanthropist, passionate about the environment, while also enjoying her creative side expressing herself through fashion, makeup, and art. An avid traveler, she is always on the hunt for a new adventure.

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