Elizabeth Little

Elizabeth teaches yoga with the intention that students leave feeling better than when they first entered the class. Her belief is that through the experience of the movement of the body, it is possible for us to develop a deep awareness of ourselves. We can ask questions such as…how can we move to feel better? How do you sit on the floor? How do you even sit still in today’s world of “Let’s go!”? With a bit of humor, she has taught yoga to help students get to that bit of peace that can be elusive, all the while having a bit of fun.

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The first yoga classes she took were in 1995, but it wasn’t anything that drew her in. Then, her friend talked her into an Ashtanga Yoga course that was held in her college on the basketball courts – that was the entry into her passion for the practice. She received her first yoga certification in 2000 and has been RYT500 since 2008. Elizabeth has taught classes at gyms, the University of Arizona, the Arizona School for the Deaf and Blind, and yoga studios. She believes that yoga can enhance many aspects of our lives and that by simply practicing when and where you can is key.

Elizabeth is also a scientist and holds a Ph.D. in Molecular and Cellular Biology. In addition to teaching yoga, she also develops Cancer Diagnostics in the tech world to continue to pursue her passion in creating products and methods that help cancer patients. She lives with her dog Odelle, and can be found around town inevitably driving with him with his head out the window.