Yue Shen is a yogi, painter, singer, educator, and fashion designer. She left China in 2013, the place she had lived for 23 years, and went to Singapore to teach children abacus and the Chinese language. The two years in Singapore was also the beginning of her adventure in the yoga world. Yue came to California in 2016 and started her Master of Fine Arts journey at Academy of Art University, and graduated in the summer of 2019, along with the success in showing her designs in the New York Fashion Week.

Intermediate/Advanced Flow

Prenatal Yoga

Meditation & Breath Practices

普通话瑜伽 (Yoga in Mandarin)

In the winter of 2019, the outbreak of coronavirus began to change people’s life without any forecast, and it was becoming even more violent during the first half of 2020. Same as others, Yue had more chances to spend time at home. Painting, singing, sewing, and designing had always accompanied Yue to get her away from feeling bored, and what really helped her stay healthy, be mindful of what is happening around, be grateful with what she has, and stay connected with her heart, was always the consistent practice of yoga. Gradually, Yue discovered her talent in both teaching and yoga practice, and she believes that she can help more people by spreading the great energy which yoga has brought to her life. In late May of 2020, Yue became a RYT 200-hour certified yoga teacher through Jennifer Prugh’s JOY of Yoga program, and is currently on the road to complete the 500-hour. Yue is very much influenced by Jennifer Prugh in the style of teaching as well as the art of integrating joy into the yoga practice. Yue likes the step-by-step, interactive learning style, and she usually ranks breathwork as a very important role through any practice. In her class, you will be able to explore the wise use of vital energy, experiments in balance, and being present. 

Yue lives with her husband Tim, and a white fluffy bichon frise, Max. The three of them like to travel a lot. Recently, Yue has just finished her biggest painting project — artwork on all sides of their family van!

Favorite pose?


What does yoga mean to you?

Yoga means the path to find myself, a way to unite with others, and a bridge to love and to be loved.

Philosophy: Yama/niyama you value the most/are working on?

What I value the most and am  working on: yamaahimsa (non-harming). To me, I am practicing not to hurt others by saying worthless words on our own desires. Niyamas – santoṣa; I am practicing to always be grateful with what I have in the present moment.