Ask Me Anything: Jennifer Prugh Responds to Students’ Questions

In this third heart to heart, the JOY founder and teacher shares her most-loved books as a yoga student and teacher.

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Q: What books do you keep beside you to inform your practice as a student? And what books do you keep beside you to inform your practice as a teacher?

A: Books that have moved me over the years that I continually return to are:

These are books that I continue to find vital as a student and a teacher:

For the uber-passionate yogi, it’s hard to get enough of reading about yoga. I recommend other genres, particularly reading about the natural world or people for whom we seem to share nothing in common. When it comes down to it, everything we can take in can inform our understanding of the practice.

Picture of Jennifer Prugh

Jennifer Prugh

When Jennifer isn't running Breathe Together Yoga, the JOY School of Integrative Learning (200 and 300 hour YTT), or yoga adventures around the world, she's sandwiched between two golden retrievers in the garden, driving her teenage son from one place to another, or watching the British Baking Show. She's devoted to creating new ways to use yoga and awareness practices to realize that we are capable of far more than we know. She attempts to live each day by her mother's (and all good mothers') words: "Let's leave this place a little better than we found it."

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