Category: Articles\Mindful

How Mindfulness Can Help You Navigate Social Media

Now that social media has become an extension of our own communities, a lot of negative perspectives and habits have made their way from the digital world to our real one. By becoming aware of your emotions and actions, you can get past the bad side of social media and enjoy the company of your social circle.

Breathe & Thrive

We will practice the following breathing techniques: Kapalabhati, Box Breathing, and Nadi Shodhana.

30 Minute Yin

This is the perfect practice to give a taste of Yin Yoga’s relaxing nature. The lower body and the spine will feel the love during and after this practice.

15-Min Flow | Izumi Sato

Join us to practice Surya Namaskaram (Sun Salutations). Create space between your daily activities in the morning or any time of the day to practice yoga for 15 minutes.

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