Try This Simple Acupressure Technique to Ease Tension

A free video about Emotional Freedom Tapping (EFT).

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One practice for easing tension and rewiring patterns of thoughts that can lead to psychological imbalance is Emotional Freedom Tapping (EFT). This practice is commonly known as tapping, or psychological acupressure.

How Does it Work?

EFT uses finger tapping to apply pressure to acupuncture points. By stimulating key meridian points, tapping is meant to reduce the charge of emotions being held in the body and lessen the spiraling impact from triggering issues. This technique is meant to create a balance of energy in the body and has shown positive effects at treating pain and recurring emotional ailments such as acute anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

For me, I find I can create a deeper sense of balance, increased energy, and additional clarity for how to deal with triggering or difficult situations. Here is a helpful sample for these times.


Tap through the points I illustrate and describe, and say the words out loud with emotion, moving from point to point at a pace that feels most comfortable to you.

Picture of Christina Roberts Enneking

Christina Roberts Enneking

Christina has been practicing yoga for over three decades, drawn to the practice as a release from stress and a way to more deeply integrate the body, mind, and spirit. A certified 500-hour master yoga instructor and reiki practitioner, Christina has studied and practiced with many master teachers across the globe and her style is a fun-loving blend of Vinyasa Flow, Qigong, and energy work. Her specialty is meeting people where they are and offering practices that facilitate deeper growth, sweeter stability, and genuine joy. In addition to leading service-based yoga retreats, helping to deliver solar light to people living off the power grid, Christina facilitates learning workshops at multiple companies in Silicon Valley, focusing on brain-based leadership techniques for maximizing personal effectiveness and gaining mastery, autonomy, and purpose in life.

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