Feeling Healthy From the Inside Out: My Experience with Annual Cleanses

“I liken cleansing to meditating.”

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Top view different fresh fruits and vegetables organic on table top, Colorful various fresh vegetables for eating healthy and dieting

I started dietary cleansing after having two children. One of my good friends (also with two small children) looked amazing while I was feeling quite frumpy. She was brilliant in her skin, eyes, hair, and energy level – literally from the inside out. I asked, “How do you do it?” She giggled and said she and her husband had just finished a Standard Process cleanse and never felt better. They had cleansed for 21 days yearly for the past three years and saw it as a nice way to reset the body. Her husband was a chiropractor and annually ran group cleanses, prescribing them for anyone facing ailments ranging from cancer, to depression and anxiety.

“What is a Standard Process cleanse?” I asked, quite intrigued as the holiday heavies left me feeling like spam was packed to my thighs. She described how this system included supplements to take the edge off hunger, made of all organic and dehydrated foods, herbs, and roots. Then, they basically ate vegan for 21 days. She mentioned the first four days are a little tough, but then the body starts to adjust and thrive on unlimited amounts of veggies and fruit.

To this day, I look forward to my annual 21-day cleanse in January. Standard Process is my personal favorite, but I also love Ayurvedic cleanses supported by coaches, Bridget Puchalsky and Jana Kilgore. Coaching and moral support are helpful when first starting a cleanse – I know because I needed it from my more experienced friends. Cleansing is as much about changing habits for long-term health as it is realizing immediate physical benefits. From my experience, you receive both!

When I cleanse my body, I tend to cleanse my home, prune my negative thoughts, cultivate healthier relationships, and manifest positive change in my life. I feel my choices on a daily basis are what I foster on a cleanse: pure, clean, and simple living. I liken cleansing to meditation. At first it may be difficult. Similar to meditation, in which the mind starts to wander, the beginning of the cleanse may introduce stronger cravings for things like sweets or caffeine. I find with diligence and will-power, the cravings cease, and acceptance sets in. Then, I feel good about choosing to live in a more pure and clean state of being.

When it comes to ingestion and elimination, cleansing resets my palette and gets my body to a point that is “in flow.” The cleanse focuses on detoxification and elimination the first week (a high amount of gastro-fiber and digestive agents), then replenishes the next two weeks with high doses of green food — natural and dehydrated veggies with extra brain and blood-boosting supplements.The benefits of fasting include: healthy hair and nails, regular bowel movements, sustainable energy at high levels, clear mind, and motivation for accomplishing what is important in life with clarity and vitality. The only negative side effect for me has been skin blemishes, and I guess that is because toxins are releasing through my system. After all is complete, I find my skin is more radiant than ever. I feel the joy of being healthy – from the inside out!

Picture of Christina Roberts Enneking

Christina Roberts Enneking

Christina has been practicing yoga for over three decades, drawn to the practice as a release from stress and a way to more deeply integrate the body, mind, and spirit. A certified 500-hour master yoga instructor and reiki practitioner, Christina has studied and practiced with many master teachers across the globe and her style is a fun-loving blend of Vinyasa Flow, Qigong, and energy work. Her specialty is meeting people where they are and offering practices that facilitate deeper growth, sweeter stability, and genuine joy. In addition to leading service-based yoga retreats, helping to deliver solar light to people living off the power grid, Christina facilitates learning workshops at multiple companies in Silicon Valley, focusing on brain-based leadership techniques for maximizing personal effectiveness and gaining mastery, autonomy, and purpose in life.

One reply on “Feeling Healthy From the Inside Out: My Experience with Annual Cleanses”

Huh? Oh.
I have always been “In my next scene” or swimming in my head to realize that taking care of myself INSIDE would actually be a loving thing to do for myself. Hence, I signed up for the cleanse.
Thank you

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