Create a Home Yoga Studio in Five Minutes

Tips and tricks to turn a shared space into your sanctuary.

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Many teachers and students have commented on how wonderful my “home studio” looks. “Wow, you’re so lucky that you have such a great space in your home!” The truth is… it’s all a lie! I taught out of a spare bedroom for a couple months, and now, in San Jose, I teach out of a hybrid garage/laundry room/kids playroom/exercise space. Whether you’re a teacher or a student, it can be really nice to set-up your space for home yoga classes. Doing so can be part of an almost-meditative ritual that can help you connect more richly to the yoga experience while also sending a message to those around you that you need some “you time.” The trick is to think creatively about your space and procure a series of inexpensive tools to help manage light, backgrounds, sound, distance between camera and you, and a few other key elements. This quick video shows you how I break down my “home studio” and transition it back to the “playpen” garage in about five minutes.

Picture of Alyssa Prettyman

Alyssa Prettyman

Alyssa ​Hale-Prettyman ​has ​been ​teaching ​yoga, ​acting, ​and ​marketing ​in ​the ​Boston ​area ​since ​2006. ​She ​found ​yoga ​in 2004 ​when, ​at ​the ​age ​of ​24, ​she herniated a disk at L4/L5 and was nearly immobile for over a month. Google “heal ​back ​pain” ​- ​find ​“drugs,” ​or ​“surgery,” ​or ​“yoga.” ​Nuff ​said.

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