Kundalini 101: What the Soul Body is and How to Balance It

Tending to your physical body.

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A Humanology Guide of The Ten-Body System: Part 1

Tending to this physical body sometimes feels like an unending rabbit hole of trial and error and google searches. From knowing what to eat, to getting enough sleep and exercise, it’s a full-time, lifetime commitment. When I first learned about the 10 light bodies of consciousness in my Kundalini Yoga trainings, I just about went cross-eyed. I heard my negative mind say things like, “Well, I can’t see those bodies anyways, so I’ll just focus on the physical body.” But, once I became aware of the energetic bodies and brought them into harmony with the physical, my energy levels improved and a whole lotta magic began to happen. I’ll just say it – my whole life began to flow better.

According to the teachings of Yogi Bhajan, just as there exists a system of chakras spinning within our physical body, so too exists a sophisticated system of light bodies of consciousness that symbiotically comprise the human experience. In the teachings of Humanology and Kundalini Yoga, the study of the resonant quality of numbers one to 11 correspond directly to these ten bodies in a system that is referred to as Tantric Numerology. Your caliber is determined by the balance of these bodies. They contain the power of your psyche, with inherent and specific gifts when strong, and certain stressors and weaknesses when deficient. 

Let us naturally begin our journey with the first body, the Soul Body. The Soul Body is the infinite part of you – the experience of totality within your Being. When you are connected with your Soul Body, life is a creative flow and your life choices are made from the intuition of the heart rather than the analysis of the mind. A mastery of the Soul Body looks and feels like a person who exhibits humility, creativity, and simplicity, with a solid knowledge of the authentic Self. When you connect with the totality of your authentic Self, you can relax and enjoy the unique expression of Spirit through you.  

Those born in the first month, January, have a Karmic number of one, while those born on the first of any month have a Soul number of one. These individuals have a prominent Soul Body, though everyone (no matter when their birth) has each of these ten bodies. For those with a prominent Soul Body, the specific gifts that it bears, such as creativity and humility, are enhanced. However, if the individual is imbalanced, stressed, or deficient, the Soul Body is the first of the bodies to take a hit. When the Soul Body is weak in an individual, there will be a tendency to come from the head rather than the heart. Coming from the head leads to a propensity for getting stuck in mental loops of confusion and over-analysis, with difficulty connecting to the creative flow of life and the intuition of the heart. 

Any type of meditation, or kriya, that is designed to open the heart, is foundational for maintaining a strong Soul Body. Developing a sense of purpose and passionately acting in alignment with your purpose strengthens the Soul Body. Anything that enriches you emotionally and tenderly nurtures your creative fire and will keep your Soul Body strong and happy. Anyone can learn simple meditations and exercises for a healthy Soul Body. Try this one:

  • Seated comfortably in a chair or cross-legged, place your thumbs under the armpits at the sides. (There is a nerve there that should be pressed.)
  • With your hands resting on the chest, inhale deeply through the mouth with a whistling sound. Listen to the whistle and mentally hear your voice chant, “So.”
  • As you exhale through the nose, mentally hear your voice chant, “Hung.” This mantra means, “I am Thou, the Infinite.”
  • Continue in this way for 11 minutes total. 
Picture of Naomi Wilder

Naomi Wilder

Naomi Wilder, M.A. spends most of her time teaching Kundalini yoga and facilitating Gestalt therapy. When she's not doing that, she's either strumming her guitar, scooping alpaca poop, or feeding a family of hens.

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