The Meaning Behind the September Birthstone

Blue-sapphire is a royal stone of spiritual truth and wisdom.

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Mesmerizing deep-blue sapphire is the birthstone that represents those born in September. This rare gem keeps good company as one of only four precious gemstones in the world, including diamonds, rubies, and emeralds.

While the blue variety most commonly comes to mind, sapphire can actually occur colorless (clear/white), as well as in a wide array of nearly every other color except red (a color reserved for its closest cousin, ruby). As a corundum-based stone, it rates a 9 out of 10 on the Mohs hardness scale, with only diamonds being harder. Similar to ruby, its hexagonal-mineral structure causes some specimens to exhibit an optical effect called asterism, a six-rayed, star-like concentration of reflected light that shimmers across the surface of the stone when moved. These are referred to as “star sapphires.” In fact, one of the largest and most valuable gemstones in the world, named “The Star of India,” is one such stone, weighing in at 563.35 carats.

With all of its fascinating shades and features, however, it is the royal-blue sapphire that has a unique place in history. A stone of wisdom across many cultures, sapphire (from the Greek word sapheiros, meaning “blue”) was worn by ancient Greeks while visiting the Temple of Apollo, seeking answers from the Oracle of Delphi. In ancient India, it was given as offerings to the gods to gain favor with them and to align astrological fortunes. In modern times, the most famous sapphire to date sits upon the hand of royalty, Princess Diana’s 12-carat Ceylon Sapphire and diamond engagement ring, passed on by Prince William to his now-wife and Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton.

Metaphysically, blue sapphire is said to be a powerful protector against negative psychic energies. It is a stone of spiritual truth and wisdom, promoting purity and depth of thought. Velvet-blue sapphire is associated with the throat chakra, facilitating truthful communication and self-expression, while indigo-blue stones are linked to the Third Eye chakra, enhancing psychic awareness and eliminating negative energies from the aura. Celestial in color, blue sapphire is also closely associated with the heavens and stars, and our connection to the Universe, and can be used as an astral touchstone for communicating with angels and spirit guides.

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Sponsored: Indriya Jewelry

Highlighting the beauty of natural gemstones in a simple way is the main vision of Indriya Jewelry. Inspiration is found in natural textures, clean lines, and bursts of color. Refined and elegant with a subtle eclectic touch, each piece can stand on its own, adding the perfect singular accent to any ensemble, deserving of the tagline “Power pieces for the eclectic minimalist.” Combined with each gemstone’s own unique signature, all items are energized with the love and attention that only comes from being handmade. Breathe readers, enjoy 10% OFF all Indriya Jewelry purchases with code BREATHELOVE, and be sure to tag your pieces with #indriyajewelry!

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