Tag: flow

Aerial Tapas: Fall

This candlelight flow looks at the Fall Tapas sequence from the unique perspective of the aerial hammock.

Mellow Side Body Focus | Dana Schwartz

A celebration of the side body while staying low to the ground. This is a low and juicy mellow flow focusing on the side body. We’ll play with circles of breath moving up the front body and down the back body. Cool down with these calming, gravity-loving twists.

Mellow Classical Flow | Dana Schwartz

A celebration of a traditional flow while staying low to the ground. We’ll incorporate Iyengar inspired alignment tips to discover and deepen postures, with a focus on the variety of ways we can play with a bent leg against a straight leg. Seated twists and folds low to the ground will enable you to explore your inner baby. Explore figure 4 bridge lifts to side plank tree.

Vigorous Exploration | Dana Schwartz

Go deep, stepping a toe into the unknown. We will explore dharma wisdom with respect to building honesty through yoga. As we build heat through asana, we’ll burn away what doesn’t serve us. Our exploration will take us through hand/wrist and feet/ankle positions as we travel to known postures, balancing poses while twisting. Discover the sattva in between effort and playing with Energy Looping, a visual breath practice.

Joy of Yin | Dana Schwartz

Discover JOY by following this slower paced, thoughtfully curated asana flow. This is my curated approach to moving into, staying in, and moving out of longer held poses to promote experiences of grace and peace. Incorporating slow movements that encourage your body to calm and open into receptivity. We’ll use props to assist the process of deepening the opening. I provide guidance through breath practices to enhance the overall Yin experience. Lastly, cues in each posture will serve to assist your breath in finding the calmest ports of call.

Joy Flow | Dana Schwartz

Joy is an expression of love. As we embrace the love of ourselves, we fall into the special sidecar of JOY. Practicing with a sense of Joy is the objective of this practice. Ignite the inner smile through mindful movements. Breaking down the 3 part breath, Kapālabhāti and Breath of Joy. Encouraging deep twists and lateral body play as well as balance poses.

Joyful Flow | Christy Li

What brings us joy in our life? Do we bring it in on a daily basis? When we are not so happy, where does our power, thoughts, energy go? How do we bring it back? Is a mantra helpful? Let’s try one today on our mat as we do a Vinyasa Flow filled with balance postures, Half Moon Pose, seated twists, and more.

Funky Side Crow | Christy Li

Life is a balancing act, especially as we are home during a pandemic. How do we find balance both on and off the mat during these times? On the mat, let’s play with balancing poses, such as figure fours and a funky side crow. Off the mat, let’s do our best to be open to all the unknowns and changes around us. Let’s remember to breathe and make time to come back to our mats, whether for a calming meditation or for some asana practice to move our bodies.

Break and Begin Again | Christy Li

Today’s practice starts off with a story about a family and adjusting to a new normal. We can apply this story to our lives on and off the mat. What is working and, more so, what is not? Can we adjust, balance, and begin again?

30 Minute Vinyasa Flow | Christy Li

This practice focuses on trusting, listening, and taking time to vision. Off the mat, when and how do we practice these traits? What about on the mat? Is today the day you will go from Crow Pose and trust yourself to safely jump back into a plank either for the first time or for the 900th time, or is today the day that you listen and realize you are not in the right state to try? So often we push ourselves, play the negative talk record, and/or just go through the motions. Maybe today is the day you take it easy, be gentle, and know that it is there for you next time. You and I are worthy of loving ourselves and one another, let’s do that on and off the mat as much as possible (even on the hard days).

Yoga Suave | Marcela Christjansen

Esta es una clase suave para dejar que el cuerpo se abra, se mueva. Una clase que puedes tomar a cualquier hora del día ya sea por la mañana, tarde o noche.

This is a gentle yoga class that allows the body to open and move. This class is great at any time during your day whether it is morning, afternoon, or nighttime.

Quiet Strength | Marcela Christjansen

Welcome to today’s flow focused on strength. Strength in today’s class is both related to the physical body as much as mental and spiritual strength. You are invited to use this focus as an invitation to listen inwardly to the quiet inner strength that when consciously listened to is a gift.

Morning Yoga | Marcela Christjansen

Every morning, just like each new breath, is an opportunity to stay curious, be open to new growth and experiences, and an invitation to seek balance. Today’s class reminds you about all of it. Enjoy!

Inner Strength | Izumi Sato

Breathe and cultivate the earth element. We incorporate Prithvi Mudra and offer a step-by-step practice for Mula Bandha. This is a great practice whenever you are in need of rootedness and centeredness, so you can connect to your inner strength.

Mindful Flow | Paulette Sato

A sequence focused on mindfully moving through the sun salutes and warrior poses, with some somatic exercises towards the end.

Morning Flow | Jen Daniels

This is a perfect practice to quickly energize your day. Getting moving in the morning with a full-body wake up is a lovely way to prepare your body for meditation.

15-Minute Flow | Izumi Sato

Join us to practice Surya Namaskaram (Sun Salutations). Create space between your daily activities in the morning or any time of the day to practice yoga for 15 minutes.

Chakra Flow

You are invited to join Stephanie for an afternoon of chakra-centered flow.

Morning Yoga

Kick off your day with this replenishing practice that will leave you feeling energized and ready for whatever lies ahead.

15-Min Flow | Izumi Sato

Join us to practice Surya Namaskaram (Sun Salutations). Create space between your daily activities in the morning or any time of the day to practice yoga for 15 minutes.

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